The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 4                                                                                                      January 24th, 1990


Beloved Chelas,

I have told you in a previous letter, Truth is related to Joy! It is important to realize that only Truth within your lives and experiences can bring you true joy, and that, - with true joy - you will experience true freedom. Beloved Master Jesus gave you the words; "know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free!"

How do you discern truth? Looking again at Master Jesus' statement, he said "know the Truth", which indicates that you must already have discernment of truth from falsehood.

Many people go to the records of the past for some verification of truth. Unfortunately, the records of humanity's past are - more often than not - the records of human thinking, human action, and human consciousness. It is only when you stand within the Sacred Flame that you can be sure to discern the truth of anything!

Beloved Ones, a true chela knows the truth within his heart, because he knows the Flames! I ask you to take this very moment to close your eyes, and enter that secret place within your heart, where you stand in the Presence of your Holy Christ Self. Look now upon my FLAME OF TRUTH, and not upon the records of time!

Remain within my Flame of Truth, for whenever you enter that Sacred Flame, I AM ONE WITH YOU!









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