The Shamballa Letter 

VOLUME 9, Number 18                                                                                             May 5, 1987


El Morya:


Greetings, My Beloved Friends of the Ages, I love you. 


Every single moment of your life presents to you an OPPORTUNITY, AND THE OPPORTUNITY IS OFTEN ACCEPTED and FULFILLED AS A RESULT OF NECESSITY, and you always have the free will to accept or reject the opportunities we are constantly presenting to you. These opportunities come in many guises, so be ever alert and receptive and ready for service as each opportunity arises. As Master Jesus said ¾ "I come as a SERVANT among you". Be a SERVANT. Be ever vigilant to accept every opportunity TO SERVE. The same opportunity is NEVER OFFERED TWICE. Your acceptance or your rejection becomes part of your Akashic Record. 


As you move along the pathway of light and life, serving all who walk beside you, you will become more and more open to see the SUPREME BEAUTY in all life ¾  the beauty of nature, and the sacredness of the Holy Ground on which you walk and talk and have your being. The opportunity presented to you NOW is unparalleled in the corridors of time ¾ the opportunity to SERVE AND LOVE LIFE FREE. I ask you not to be found wanting ¾ for you are of a vibration able to understand beyond my words. 


One man will look into a pool of dirty water and he will see only the dirt and the mud on the bottom, but another man will look into the same pool and he will see the rays of the SUN reflecting and blessing all life. Aspire to lofty thoughts and dreams, and see the beauty that is yours to behold. 


It is the Divine Edict that all men shall become Masters of Love in its true sense, and remember that there is no lifestream in all the Great Universe of God who is not in some Manner a Dispenser of The Divine Love Element.


Be still, and KNOW "I AM" 







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