The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 9, Number 19                                                                                                        May 12, 1987  


El Morya: 

Greetings, My Beloved Friends of The Ages, I love you. 

I would endeavor to encourage you all to understand and realize the power that you have in the control of your four lower vehicles through correct controlled breathing; in breathing, absorbing, expanding and projecting the virtues of the Godhead throughout your own being and to all life everywhere - a silent blessing to all life. Consider the tremendous opportunity you have to qualify every breath that enters your lungs with Divine Love. 

As you inbreath, you can draw the substance of your lower vehicles into the Sacred Flame of Eternal Truth within your heart, sublimate it there and absorb it, and on the release of the outbreath you can expand that Sacred Flame and consciously project it outwards - Through your own rhythmic energy and into the atmosphere, feeding all with the Divine Quality or Virtue contained within that Sacred Flame of Eternal Truth. 

Within your own heart is a potential spark of every God-virtue from every Retreat around this Planet, including the Power of Resurrection. 

The practice of controlled breathing which is NEVER STRAINED but always, smooth, gentle and rhythmic, will allow you to resuscitate the joy, the buoyancy, the happiness, the vitality, the love and perfection of God free beings in their Service to all life. 

It is the Divine Edict that all men shall become Masters of Love in Its true sense, and remember that there is no lifestream in all the Great Universe of God who is not in some manner a Dispenser of the Divine Love Element.

El Morya




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