The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 8, Number 1                                                                                                                   January 7, 1986




Lord Lanto

Greetings and blessings children of the Light... accept the love of the Great White Brotherhood at the Royal Teton. 

Precipitation is very, very simple. You are precipitating with every breath, and your precipitation occurs when you send forth the idea, and it manifests exactly in the form that you have decreed. Be very, very careful of your thoughts when you express the desire to have something manifest, because you create a pattern which is set by your energy. 

One of the first lessons to be learned and applied is reverence for life, and when you have reverence for life you LOVE life. It is simple. 

Love must be FELT in every fiber of your being. It cannot be diluted by human THINKING. That is an entirely different expression and is no part of pure Divine Love. Take a moment – guard your thoughts. Are you centered in the very heart of your being? 

Blessed children, precipitation is going on, and has been going on, every time you send forth a thought. Thought, coupled with words and deeds, manifest exactly as you have sent the idea forth. Is that not simple? You may love an individual, and the individual feels that love, and you say “I love you”. But that love is tempered by your thoughts. The day is at hand and must come, when you love all life with a deep abiding Grace. Grace, which dwells within, is a gift of God, and with that Grace from the very center of your being, you can bless all life. 

Always know that there is a great learning process in attaining degrees of love. The time is at hand to experience from within, from the center of your being, encompassing love. That love shall go forth throughout the Universe – expanding, continually expanding, until it entirely encompasses all life. 

As we have told you so many times, all Truth is simple. Know, from this moment forward, that with every breath you are blessing all life with the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Do you not feel that unction flowing through your being? It is flowing through each of you to anoint all life.  

As you realize, there is no separation in life, and as any part of life accepts that love, in no matter what degree, it shall nourish them and they shall feel a stirring within their beings. A feeling of love will bless every particle of life. 

So know that Precipitation occurring at all times, shall bless all life without limit. 

Take into your consciousness that you are precipitation in the Light of the Father-Mother God, of which you are one cell, and that Light shall bless ALL life.  








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