The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

VOLUME 8, Number 2                                                                                                                January 14th, 1986

Assimilation Class

January 5, 1986

Lord Lanto

As Patriarch of the Rocky Mountain Retreat, I invite you to turn your attention to its lofty snow-capped peaks. In so doing you will see a glorious manifestation of the Kingdom of Nature. 

The ascent is rigorous to the untrained climber but the reward is great. It is the same with the chela climbing the mount of attainment in consciousness… difficult at times but as he progresses, he will find the elevation of his Consciousness well worth the effort. 

As he proceeds he will find the Purity, the accelerated vibratory action of his feelings, a mighty propellant to reach the peak. 

In this New Year of the manifestation of the Will of God and Unity of all mankind, be assured that the Angel of Unity, mighty Micah and all the Spiritual Hierarchy will give you all the assistance you desire or require as you turn attention to us who serve from the Higher Levels of Consciousness to assist you. 

Your friend of the ages





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