The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 12                                                                                                                          March 20, 1984


The Maha Chohan 

I would like to elaborate on the study of consciousness which we are presenting from time to time. 

Let us refer to the great mirrored Hall of Versailles, in which was reflected all the glory of the French court and its beauty amplified time and again by the reflection on its mirrors, and according to the subject within the room was the reflection pleasing or otherwise.  

Now, man stands in exactly this same relationship to the world of maya which is like a great mirror surrounding him and whoever or whatever he entertains within his consciousness is reflected and amplified in the world of maya around him. If he thinks of, say, an animal within, that form must reflect without, in the same manner as the individual would find himself reflected, or if he would walk an animal through this hall he would see thousands of this form reflected upon the paneled walls. The foolish man might break the mirrors in annoyance at the reflection, but the wise man would remove the animal from the hall and place in its stead some exquisite statuary, or other uplifting expression of beauty which would be reflected in all its beauty on any wall and amplified a thousandfold to increase the initial beauty of its expression. 

To champ and rage at appearances with which the individual is surrounded is as foolish as breaking a mirror to destroy the reflection of something one does not choose to look upon, because the original subject remaining will reappear when the mirror is restored in exactly the same manner it was before and during the time that the mirror was being broken. 

If an individual’s world contains inharmony, limitation, or any manifestation that is not pleasing, through the Sacred Fire the inner consciousness must be purged just as you would sweep a room clean of anything that you did not want to reflect or amplify in a mirror. When you have learned the lesson given today you can become master of your world and everything in it in the process of a short time of silent contemplation. 

Your Co-server,









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