The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 13                                                                                                                          March 27, 1984


Archangel Jophiel 

I remind you of the statement I made many years ago, “The reason for your being is to become a conscious creator to draw life’s energy, to mold it according to your own God design, to take some of these designs which are the ideas of the Father; plant them within your consciousness and bring them to fruition.” 

Presently you are endeavoring to attain and remain in the Consciousness of “I AM”, and it is imperative you realize in the Sacred Focus within, you can transform your own lower vehicles, your surroundings and be a true representative of the One, “I AM”! 

Why do I bring this Truth at this hour? When you think, speak or act in a negative manner, you remove yourself from the Throne Room of your Being, “I AM” CONSCIOUSNESS, where all that is pure and perfect is at your command; where the sunshine of your Light flows to enrich this Earth and her evolutions! 

I have come with this short message to impress upon you that as the elixir of the spring sends its renewal force into the Earth that you will avail yourself of this glorious essence and keep in the forefront of your consciousness that you are a co-creator with us and have pledged your energies to bring Perfection to this planet! 

Your Co-server,

The Archangel  of Illumination