The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 14                                                                                                                     April 3, 1984


 Lady Amaryllis 

Greetings, flowers in God’s Glorious Kingdom! I AM truly grateful to have the opportunity of coming into your midst today as the glorious Flame of Resurrection is being accelerated in the Northern Hemisphere with the coming of the springtime, and throughout the planet in celebration and re-activation of the triumphant Victory of the Master Jesus on Easter Morn! 

The Flame of Resurrection is pulsating during all seasons, for it is required that every Kingdom upon the planet shall be resuscitated and permanently restored to the Perfection that all life once knew upon this Earth. 

As the pulsation of spring has been set into motion by the beloved Maha Chohan in this and various localities, one can see the manifold expressions of the use of the Resurrection Flame in budding leaf and tiny shoots of green emerging from the bosom of Virgo. Can you envision for a moment the various activities which had to take place in order to perform this service? The prime factor was obedience of the elementals to the Will of God held within the pulsating Heart of Harmony embodied by their Directors. You have witnessed what appeared to be the lifeless trees and shrubs and barren ground show signs of life as the glorious Flame of Resurrection and Hope coursed through their beings. Do you not realize that this same Flame is blazing through you now and that your Director or Holy Christ Self, awaits your acceptance and constructive release thereof? Within each minute particle of the earth substance is a Center of Light. When we in the Higher Realms turn our attention to the tiny elementals, we see pulsations of Light, presenting a sparkling activity of grace and beauty; and as all these obedient electrons merge, Nature’s Garment is one of glorious Light, giving forth the various hues in the rainbow spectrum emanating from the pure White Light which is the prism! 

You have a tremendous opportunity to bless and free the elements which comprise your own vehicles from the imposed dull cloak which you have placed upon them through your misuse of God’s Energy through the centuries. At this juncture, I AM most grateful to be able to tell you that your vehicles are giving forth much greater Light this year than they did twelve months ago. I came into your auras at that time and within a period of one year I see a great transformation.  I AM always present where the Resurrection Flame is active, and it requires but your heart call to me to receive a greater release of the Essence of Spring for your rejuvenation, though your acceptance of these subtle, yet powerful, currents. 

If you would visualize your garments as crystal robes with the Green Ray of Spring flowing through them, I assure you that you could restore them to the youthful appearance of your Holy Christ Self, at the same time calling the Resurrection Flame into action to restore or resuscitate the Perfection of your Christ self through your lower garments. Then you would feel the buoyant, yet gently, release of the Cosmic Currents through you to bless all life. 

Enter into the Flame of Gratitude and Adoration to God’s Life within all energy and be convinced that through Pure Divine Love does one bring into manifestation any or all of the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven, for truly is it the cohesive Power of Life. 

Love God, the Divinity within your being and unto you shall be released the Perfection which it is your destiny to express! 

Anticipating your further cooperation with the Elemental Kingdom and your deeper gratitude to them, I bathe your vehicles in the Essence of Springtime, which is within the glorious and mighty Resurrection Flame. 

Your Sister in the Light,

Amaryllis, Goddess of Springtime







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