The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 15                                                                                                                             April 10, 1984


 Lady Aries

Gentle as a breeze in spring flows the Elixir of the Holy Breath. How do YOU qualify this life-sustaining Force? 

The riches of the Universe can be yours when you learn to control this essence in a rhythmic manner. The Sylphs within the Air Element serve to keep the atmosphere purified in order that man may have a fit habitation in which to live. Within this Sacred Element are spiritual forces of which the average man is unaware. 

I counsel you to practice Rhythmic Breathing to vitalize and purify your own garments, and on the outgoing Breath bless all evolutions. Would that the chela could realize how the Sylphs of the Air, your co-servers, await your cooperation. 

Witness how a public speaker has a captive audience through the delivery of his message; how the singer blesses life through the rendition of a beautiful aria; how the swimmer co-ordinates his stroke with the breath to perfect his movement; how the yogi controls the flow of prana to purify his four lower vehicles and achieve union with God. This clearly demonstrates that the Holy Breath is a Universal Oneness available to all. 

The Spiritual Hierarchy have counseled the chela through the years to learn the Art of Rhythmic Breathing, and you are now expected to engage in this Inhaling, Absorbing, Expanding and Projecting of the Virtues of the mighty “I AM”. Avail yourself of this gift which sustains the Life on this Planet! 

In anticipation of your further cooperation,

Aries, Director with the Mighty Thor of this Glorious Element.






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