The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 3                                                                                                        January 18, 1983



From the accelerated Cosmic Consciousness around the Central Sun, I speak to you offering all the assistance of my Being in your intensified endeavors to stimulate your consciousness to greater heights. 

In this commendable desire you of course realize that you are aligning your consciousness with the Spiritual Hierarchy as we all in determined Unity shall bring for the Pattern for this year of promise. 

You know the environment in which you live has a certain pattern of seasons, depending upon the location on this planet and its zones… and your assistance to the Elemental Kingdom in its allotted assignment is tremendously enhanced when you turn your attention to the Temple which is specifically activated. 

All of us who have the mighty responsibility of directing the Twelve Virtues and Qualities of the Cosmic Cycles are truly grateful to the chelas who join with us in the service. It would be totally inadequate for me to express through the medium of words how we feel… So I shall attempt through the Radiation of Love Divine to impregnate your consciousness with the feeling I have at this time when my assignment of encompassing the Earth and her evolutions with the momentum of progress stimulation and intensification of spiritual growth is amplified.  Please accept the Mantle of my Love as I say… THANK YOU! 








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