The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 4                                                                                                                                January 25, 1983



As you read this message you will feel my Legions of the Violet Fire directing their attention to you and filling your beings with the sacred essence of Divine Alchemy. 

You have heard considerable in the physical appearance world about the ‘harnessing’ of energy… one of the most important activities in which the chelas should engage is to ‘harness’ energy… to actually seize all inharmonious energy which sees to flow through them, in order that they may prepare themselves for the avowed service in which they are engaged… to restore this planet and all hereon to the Perfection ordained for her. When the energy which flows from one’s being is harmonious, greater is the blessing and the quality of the energy is magnified, not dissipated… an elementary Truth! 

You have received considerable instruction on this, so there is no need for me to elaborate. I have come to stimulate your feeling worlds – to intensify the further purification of your vehicles… and I must state a tremendous acceleration has taken place. You have received much illumination last year, and a gradual awakening to the reason you are in embodiment at this time. 

You are aware that the Angels of the Violet Fire rejoice when called into action… their joy is intensified in a glorious manner. Happiness and Harmony are kindred qualities and it is so meaningful that the Family of Man lives together in Harmony to bring about the Theme of the year. Naturally, I AM extremely desirous of having a more purified atmosphere for the children of the Seventh Root Race to evolve, and this year of Peace will do much to accomplish that purpose, as this cycle reaps the fruit of your endeavors and all those who are seeking a better way of life.  

Enfolding you in the feeling of Grateful Love, I AM

Lord Saithrhu

Manu of the Seventh Root Race