The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 6                                                                                                                     February 8, 1983 


Beloved Lord Surya

February 6, 1983

Blessings to you and to all life… Will you kindly be seated? 

I ask you, each one, to center your attention, your consciousness, upon the Three Fold Flame here at Shamballa and blend with it. Travel on that span of Light to the Tetons. Pause in Consciousness as you are bathed in the Essence of Reverence for all Life. Think what that means – Reverence for all Life! 

Now we will go in a very holy manner to the Temple of Beloved LaMorae, at Waikiki, to be bathed in the Essence of Harmony. Here you are met with the Legions of Peace which have come from my Temple to escort you. As you travel to our Temple of Peace, you are building another span of Light, to this Holy Island, if when you do this exercise at your classes in the future that you include our Temple because it is so necessary to have this permanent bridge of Light to the Temple of Peace.

As we go down the beautiful stairway of Light to the Flame Room, feel the cascading waters of Living Light not made up of the elemental substance as you see in the physical waters around us, but a very, very high rate of vibration of Light, and I use the word “waters” because you are being given an ablution that will cleanse your consciousness and bring emotional peace. Feel it my lovely ones! Be aware at all times that Peace can come to this planet only through the Peace in the hearts of all mankind. Now I wish you to pause a moment and feel deeply, and accept this activity which has just taken place, because I applied to the Karmic Board for this expanded Pathway of Light to our Temple… and who can maintain it, but you the chelas. 

At night whenever you lay your bodies down to rest don’t jump off in consciousness and say, “I’m going off to the Temple of Peace.” We want you to do so but be very reverent and say, “Yes, I will go from the Temple where I abide, wherever on the planet Earth, and travel along the span of Light to our Temple of Peace.” We are endeavoring through infiltrating your consciousness with the fact that you can proceed on any Ray of Light, you can come to us; but we want you, to realize this, not as a physical Ray of Light but a means by which your consciousness can…





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