The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 7                                                                                                           February 15, 1983 


Beloved Paul – the Maha Chohan 

We have recently completed a very important Retreat Cycle at the Temple of the Great White Brotherhood in the Tetons. I shall refer to the process of the chelas in presenting Petitions to that august Body, the great Karmic Board. 

Mankind, the chelas in particular, are constantly bombarding the Halls of the Brotherhood with petitions that they may have ways and means of further expressing the Cause for Good. As you can well understand, great deliberation must be taken when these petitions rise from sincere hearts. These petitions must be considered by us, and the Cosmic Halls of Wisdom are lined with possible ways and means to serve the race, placed by those lifestreams capable of exacting a manifestation. Unfortunately the majority of your petitions are returned unused. In the few cases when they are accepted and incorporated into the being of the evolving lifestream, such a one not only receives a tremendous impetus in the evolution of his own personal development, but becomes linked in such an acceptance to the brother who has endeavored to serve the One Cause through such a project. 

We trust this will show many sincere lifestreams why so many proposed endeavors of the Masters have not become fact. It is not that they are lacking in merit or backing, but the Law of Free Will must allow the individual the opportunity of weighing the Light of his own being with the worth of the original plan. 

This initiation is one in which there are more failures than any other single test except the final transmutation into the Ascension… for to actualize any idea is to truly give one’s life in thought, feeling, enthusiasm and being to the embodiment of the unborn Cause. This has been the case through the centuries. However due to the acceleration of Light in the beings of our chelas, we feel confident more Dispensation will be given. 

My purpose in presenting this message to you today is to instill in your consciousness that one-pointedness is imperative! In the world of form one must nurture an idea which he believes is for the good of all and then becomes lacking in enthusiasm when a project does not proceed to fulfillment at the time he set in his consciousness. Remember the patience of these magnificent Beings who hold an Office on the Karmic Board… waiting century after century for just a fraction more energy in order to grant a Dispensation - think too of the brother who gives his energy to the fruition of a Cause which may have been placed years before it even entered your consciousness! A word of encouragement, what you may think is just leniency in granting a Dispensation, may be that in your desire to assist in the evolution of this dear Planet you have pledged your energy and made this possible. 

These mighty Beings of infinite wisdom hold their position because they have earned the right to fulfill the service assigned them. Remember too, in their great great indescribable, Love, we believe that many Dispensations that will be forthcoming this year are as a united whole. In the Spirit of Unity, we are all giving our utmost to restore this Earth to her original Perfection. 

In the Spirit of Love Divine, I AM your brother,  

Paul, the Maha Chohan







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