The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 46                                                                                                     November 16, 1982 


Beloved Paul - The Maha Chohan 

I have requested that the following “THANKSGIVING TIME – THE HARVEST” which was given in November of 1959 be reprinted in this weekly release… 

“Thanksgiving is a Cosmic Festival and not something that is celebrated only in America but has been observed for eons of time by the great Spiritual Hierarchy who has served mankind for so long. These great Beings have for countless centuries gathered at the holy Temple at Shamballa and poured forth their Love, Praise, Gratitude and Blessings to every part of Life that has assisted them in any way – given even so much as a “cup of cold water” in their name – to bring greater understanding and perfection to the people of Earth. They were given a SEED on New Year’s Day – an idea or plan by which they might reach (and teach) more of mankind – and at Thanksgiving they bring the “harvest” of that seed and lay it at the feet of the World! 

In the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth in November of each year the wheat, the corn, the hay and various kinds of fruits, vegetables and grains provided for the sustenance of mankind, have come to fruition. The SEED that was planted within the earth many months before has had the rain beat upon it, the sun shine upon it, the air blow upon it, and by the cooperation of all the elements, it has grown, matured and come to full bloom – and so it harvested as a blessing to mankind! Just how much genuine heartfelt thanksgiving does mankind en masse truly give to Nature for this bountiful supply with which they are blessed as Thanksgiving time draws near each year? 

What is your harvest? The Spiritual teachers of the race bring a harvest each year; nature brings in a harvest each year; but few of mankind realizes that they too have this same opportunity and each year THEIR HARVEST IS MEASURED. Each New Year they too were given a “seed” of new life and energy from which a harvest is expected and at Thanksgiving that harvest is viewed by God and the Spiritual Powers. 

To each one who reads this, what have YOU done with the “seed” given to you last New Year? How have you used your life during the past year? Have you sincerely endeavored to bring greater purity, harmony, beauty and perfection to the Earth and thus ensure a bountiful harvest, or are there many weeds of selfishness, unkindness, hardness, irritations and their like in your sheaves? What have YOU done to make the world a better place in which to live? 

Have you rendered some kind of service to someone who crossed your path – and not of your family or friends? Have you been kind and thoughtful to the birds, to the four-footed creatures that are unable to make a call to God for help? Have you been charitable in withholding criticism of some other part of life, when you do not know the pressures upon that one? Have you so lived during the past year that your harvest is GOOD of every description?” 

It is my humble opinion that the majority of the chelas have risen above the petty imperfections of the human – but I believe it is wise to counsel you to be ever alert, for one never knows what may be hidden in your etheric garment.

Paul - the Maha Chohan





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