The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 19                                                                                                                                                                 May 11, 1982


Beloved Lord Divino

May 7, 1982

Shining cells in the Diadem of the Almighty One, ‘I AM’, I speak to you today as you prepare for the Feast of Wesak which will take place this evening in that Mystic Valley. There will be a Transcendent Service this evening of the full moon as the service continues tomorrow, the 8th at Shamballa – the day we celebrate as the Enlightenment of Gautama, the Buddha. This concurrence of dates takes place seldom, as a matter of face once every nineteen years, so you can see, my beloved Ones, in this yearly cycle dedicated to God Illumination and Wisdom it is auspicious that we take advantage of every great outpouring of Light to forward the advancement, of not only the chelas, but of all life on this planet Earth.

‘I AM’ speaking to you from the Wesak Valley and at the same time our Beloved Lord of the World Gautama from his throne at Shamballa is joining his energies with mine and we shall blanket the entire planet Earth in God Illumination during this twenty-four hour period. Beginning this evening and concluding on Saturday evening, you have heard it said many times that in God Illumination – through God Illumination, one finds Peace, every individual to be the Christ in Action must be at Peace within himself and in such a glorious state he then, through the radiation of his own Being, sends Peace to all mankind. 

People speak very lightly of that Quality… Peace… and when they are able from the Throne Center of their own beings to be a Peace commanding presence, they learn through their own Illumination what Peace really means… Oh, my lovely ones as we think back to the time of the mighty Buddha, Gautama, we know how he soared and soared in consciousness until he was satisfied within his own being that he had found the Glory of the Kingdom of Heaven which at this time was within him. 

We tell you constantly - we remind you for your own benefaction, to go deep within and in the Peace of True Silence you will receive the Illumination which is required for you to be the Teachers of men… Why came you to the planet Earth but to help in the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven thereon! I tell you blessed ones these two days are of the greatest importance because with the increased Light being released from Shamballa, blending with that of this Mystic Valley, all on this planet Earth from the tiniest elemental to the most Illumined, will feel that great unction of Peace. Feel it, my lovely ones! 

As I said to you before, as we prepare for that glorious Transcendent Activity which will begin this evening: ‘I AM’ imploring you, each one, to set aside everything of a trivial nature and go about your daily duties in a calm and peaceful manner, awaiting, awaiting the signal that will show you each at your own individual time, that ‘The Bridegroom Cometh’, that the Christ is manifest within you. And holding on to that glorious feeling of ecstasy, in a calm level-headed manner, you can do more for this planet Earth than you have been able to do before. 

Oh, shining cells, my brothers and sisters, think of this glorious celebration which is taking place in the East, where the pilgrims are tuning in and depending upon their hearts to guide them to the vicinity of the Festival; and following that, think of that magnificent Gautama – Oh children, children you know not, you can see not the magnitude of his Love and Light,, and of his Patience See that glorious One seated on his Lotus Throne and a great Cosmic Light, which is his Aura, expanding, expanding, expanding until he holds close to his bosom the planet Earth… Feel it! Feel it, my lovely ones and become and remain from this time forward the embodiment of the Christ - your True Reality – holding that Consciousness, giving forth that Radiation… then as this transpires and is sustained, you will be able to attain Buddhic Consciousness, but first things first – become the Christ! Drink of the Elixir and the Essence of the One, Abide in that Great Sea of Light, where we do not look to form, where we are all Radiating Centers of Light, and we take form only when it is necessary. I do not wish you to go around with your heads in the clouds, as it were, but knowing the Peace which you are experiencing go forward in the Light, in the Balance of the Middle Way. 

Now beloved ones, when you retire this evening turn your attention to the Activity, the combined Activity of the Lord of the World and my humble self, before you lay your bodies down in sleep, look at the Mighty Lunara and see the Radiance of her Being and at that time call to the mighty Pelleur… and they, in combined service, will do much to purify your emotional worlds. Remember too, the glorious Radiation which is coming to you from the Focus of Lord Lemuel and of God Zeus. 

I now bid you adieu… and I depend upon you to carry out the instructions which I have given you… the Blessings of the Buddha which I have the privilege of sending to all life and of that great and mighty Gautama, Lord of the World, I say ‘Good Morning!”






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