The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 20                                                                                                                                              May 18, 1982

Beloved Maha Chohan

Beloved ones, if you will kindly turn your attention to the glorious Feast of Pentecost, it will be my great pleasure to relate to you part of what transpired when the mighty Holy Ćolus held the Office of Maha Chohan. 

Thirty years ago the White Sunday was celebrated at Ceylon when the then Maha Chohan had his Focus at Sri Lanka. The White Sunday was celebrated there by the resident Brotherhood and their guests in an intensification of that Flame of the Holy Spirit which was anchored within the Sanctuary in the heart of that Focus and un-ascended beings for the first time in the history of the Planet became contributing factors to the intensity of the Flame and to the expanded sphere of its influence. Up till that time it was only the Brotherhood who were able to intensify the outpouring and a small number of selected guests contributed the Life Essence of their Flame to the greatest concentrated gift which was released on the Inner Spheres on that Feast Day. 

All were clothed in white as were those who directed their attention toward the retreat, either for assistance or service. The Flame itself within the heart of the Sanctuary rose like a mighty white column… and on the raised dais with the Maha Chohan stood the Chohans of the first Three Rays who were guests, and the beautiful Lady Pallas Athena, at a given signal, each member directed the beam of his own energy into the Flame, and through the added fuel there began an expansion that covered a major portion of the eastern hemisphere and then was redirected by conscious outposts to the western hemisphere as well. This great release of the ‘hunger and thirst after righteousness’ was repeated hourly, starting at the midnight of Whitsunday… each Chohan successfully becoming the officiating Master, directing, focusing and expanding of the Flame. 

Why do I take this opportunity to relate this ceremony to you… at that time I had the privilege of being the Chohan of the Third Ray and I remember well what a glorious outpouring took place and the feeling of gentleness, harmlessness, humility and selflessness which prevailed. 

Tremendous has been the advancement of chelas all over the Planet and their dedication and enthusiasm has enabled them to participate in this glorious release through the ensuing years. When one realizes that the Cosmic Holy Spirit Ćolus has his Permanent Focus in the Etheric Shamballa… and as the purification of the Earth and her evolutions takes place in the Permanent Golden Age of our Beloved Lord and King Saint Germain, this magnificent Focus of the Cosmic Holy Spirit will be lowered on the physical realm of Shamballa on Long Island. 

Most of you have read the description of this magnificent Focus as given a number of years ago and through the enfolding unction which flows to you daily through the outpouring of the Cosmic Holy Spirit… and the blessed Doves which have been assigned to each of you… will be able to tune into this forthcoming Cosmic Event. 

We anticipate a transcendent release of the ‘Tongues of Fire’ – the very Essence of the Cosmic Holy Spirit this coming Whitsunday and we counsel you to prepare well for this glorious opportunity which is provided for your benefaction and that of all life. Tune in often to the Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit Ćolus, in anticipation of the Blessing which will be world – encompassing. 

Humbly, ‘I AM’

Paul - the Maha Chohan.








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