The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME IV, Number 16                                                                                                                     April 20, 1982


Beloved Lady Venus

Children on Earth abiding in the Heart of Love, I greet you with the Radiation of Love Divine of my Being. 

All of us on the Planet Venus are so very, very grateful for the Divine Love which you released during the recent Class and Seminar… this so beautifully expressed feeling enabled us to send a return current of that Quality to all of you. Without doubt this was the most efficacious Group participation we have yet enjoyed… which enabled us to accelerate the vibratory action not only of the chelas but in the hearts of all men, in no matter what state of consciousness they were dwelling. 

With this continued radiation we shall far surpass the goal of God Illumination and Love which was anticipated by the Sponsors for the year and of my Beloved Sanat Kumara, the Cosmic Christ. 

The accelerated Radiation from Uranus was set into motion through the salute to Beloved Lady Esthesia in the playing of her Theme “Meditation” from Thais. (I request that her Message be repeated so all who were not present in their physical vehicles will know how this was accomplished). 

Beloved hearts of Love Divine, all of us from the Planet Venus bless and honor your expanding Light, and enfold you in our sincere gratitude. 


Divine Complement of Beloved Sanat Kumara



April 11, 1982

Easter Sunday Musicale


That magnificent presentation and rendition of the beautiful “MEDITATION” has drawn my Love and in return for that harmony, we have flooded this entire Sanctuary and all Long Island with the Love and Light of the Planet Uranus… I thank you for so honoring us.











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