Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 23, No. 23                                                                                                                                    Sept. 8, 1974


Blessed Chelas:

I present to you this week the loving message of our beloved Saint Germain which was given at the Summer Conference following the address of the Archaii Charity.... 

Beloved Saint Germain speaks:

"Dear friends of Freedom, what can I say after such an outpouring of Love from the magnificent Charity and Chamuel? To see the efforts of the chelas and their success through dedicated service to bring more Light to this Planet causes me to enter more deeply into the Flame of Adoration to the Father-Mother God that you, blessed friends, are proving your affirmed love for the cause of Freedom. 

O thou glorious all-pervading Presence "I AM" who art in all life, I call forth thy expanded Blessings upon these thy children who have come seeking more Light through which they may expand the borders of thy Kingdom. 

The magnetic pull of Divine Love, once established in the feeling worlds of friends remains an unbroken link for all eternity. Associations of the heart may appear to be severed at intervals due to negative conditions which arise - but some time, somewhere, these ties are re-animated. The chela often wonders why he is thrown into close association with another individual with whom he finds it difficult to establish a rapport. When this condition exists, it is because in some past association some disagreement was not harmoniously solved. Should you find yourself in some such position, please be assured it is because you have expanded your consciousness sufficiently and entered into the activity of Pure Divine Love that you can now "mend your fences and be neighbors" ...conscious, cooperative co-servers in the Light. Has not the Cosmic Law been merciful to you? 

You have been given the activities of the Seven Rays and we are at the completion of the Cycle where the Seventh Ray releases its greatest outpouring. You have the means which can transmute any and all negative conditions in your worlds and that of others, and should realize that since I have the privilege of being the reigning authority for this Dispensation that I can release more than ordinary assistance to the peoples of this Planet! But, there is a limitation on that outpouring and for further blessing of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, the peoples of the Earth must make a demand on the Cosmic Bank for more funds... you know I have always enjoyed a play on words, and I use the word "funds" advisedly because this Cosmic Reservoir contains any and every Good an individual could desire - which means all the benefaction of the Universal First Cause! It pays the highest interest and through your heart desire and the release of Divine Love, you can have instantaneous Precipitation. I could wax eloquent and present many beautiful word pictures for your enjoyment...however, this is a time of action and certain requirements on the part of the chelas have been presented to us by the Great Central Sun of this system which must be augmented. As these words touch your consciousness, I anoint you with the Elixir of Life... Love Divine!"  

Love and Blessings,








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