Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 23, No. 24                                                                                                                                                Sept. 15, 1974


Chelas of my Heart:

I have the honor of presenting to you the words of Lord Michael given at the concluding Class of the Summer Conference. Carefully study the Lessons which have been presented during this sacred time and your souls will be greatly enriched... and now the Blessing of Lord Michael... 

Archangel Michael speaks:

"Hail thou children of Light, I, Michael, am greatly privileged to speak to you this morning. 

Standing above this Sanctuary are Legions of the Blue Ray, each carrying a Sword of Blue Flame and at a signal from me will perform a tremendous Service to each of your lifestreams. Not many of you know the beloved Conrad...you have heard of him, but not too many direct their attention to this mighty One. The magnificent Conrad serves with me ceaselessly in cutting the Earth free of the effluvia surrounding it. He, too, will perform a great service this day.  

The Will of God must be done for this Planet and I stand before you to commend you for putting the Will of God into motion during this week. I am confident that you will so continue as you journey along life's Path. I shall not speak at length for you have had many "lectures" this week... all wearing a Pink Garment of Divine Love! I am sure you know that we love you and I beg of you to accept that feeling.  

I now ask my Legions to raise their Cosmic Swords of Blue Flame and to descend into this Sanctuary, to stand in the aura of each and every blessed one here assembled and like your glorious Seraphim, these angels of my Legions WILL REMAIN IN YOUR AURAS! This is a Gift of Love. All I ask is that you give them recognition and may I tell you I am sure you must realize it is a great sacrifice to remain in a human aura! But you are all so greatly improved since the first of this year that I think they can tolerate it! 

Go now, 0 mighty Conrad, take the glorious Thought Form for this Class, and carry it up to my beloved son, Micah… Angel of Unity... our beloved Jesus! Micah, my so loved son, we offer you... each chela offers you... the Beauty of their Light... and as you have apprised me what you shall do with it, I shall now tell them... 

Please visualize the glorious Micah standing within a magnificent Star, as he now inverts the Chalice and covers this blessed Earth with its Essence, and each heart upon this dear Planet will receive of its Elixir, to bring them closer to Unity with their own Christ Self. 

Beloved Ones GO FORWARD IN THE LIGHT! Good Morning. "

Love and Blessings,










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