Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 23, No. 10                                                                                                                    June 9, 1974


My Beloved Chelas: 

Let us turn our attention to what is known in the physical appearance world as heritage and heredity. The members of the human race are said to be endowed with the temperaments of the parents and weaknesses or strengths of some ancestor, etc. 

To a very limited degree this is so, but every lifestream belonging to the humanity of this race is endowed with the powers and capacities of the Godhead, which, acting through the Individualized Focus, fulfills the decree of the Master - "Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven." 

Mankind has tapped but few of the Powers of his Being, such as the capacity to walk the body about, to govern the functions behind the motion of the hand and to enjoy the contributions of the senses, etc. A few who have tapped the reservoirs of Cosmic Powers are looked upon as delving into the supernatural and are definitely the exception to the rule. 

Mankind, and even sincere chelas, credits such Adepts and Masters with certain marvelous qualities that are particularly endowed to them by reason of meritorious service or God-favoritism. This is no more true than it would be were a group of individuals to sit with their eyes closed from birth in a world of self-imposed blindness and affirm that everyone who opened his eyes to see was a creature endowed with a specific gift from the activity of imposed blindness. 

Who, think you, gives the impetus to the infant by which the power of sight is invoked and focused within the eye? Without that God impetus the human consciousness, at the present depth of shadow, would not have the intelligence within itself to avail itself of the power of sight. 

We know that one of the Services of the Elohim Vista is to open the Inner Eye of all possible participants in this period of crisis on the planet Earth who are willing to be co-workers with the Spiritual Hierarchy. I, too, am engaged in this Service and I counsel you to serve with us on this and we will show you the Power latent in your lifestreams which can wield great good for the Cause of Restoration of this Earth and which will not only amaze you but will be a tremendous source of gratitude to the Spiritual Hierarchy. How best to do this? By the purification of your lifestream so that the Holy Christ Self can take control and be the only acting Presence in your world!

Love and Blessings,









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