Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 46                                                                                                                         February 10, 1974


Beloved Ones: 

Let us turn our attention to the Breath of Life - that Prana which is priceless. 

We realize that the Holy Christ Self breathes through the lungs the essence which sustains the human form, and the breath remains in the body so long as the Christ Self chooses to continue the inhalation and exhalation by which the air is absorbed or thrown off. Your breath is drawn by the Christ Self into the physical form only as long as the Higher Self feels that the expenditure of the Pure Energy in that breath will be for the ultimate good of the individual and the race. When the Christ Self determines that the outer personality is no longer serving a constructive purpose by learning a lesson by which the consciousness will grow, it ceases to make its application to the Prana of the Universe, and the respiratory system ceases to function. The breath is also withdrawn when an individual has completed his course on Earth and is ready to enter the Inner Realm to complete his assignment from a Higher Level without the cumbersome lower vehicles. 

You perhaps may think that there are many men and women drawing breath who serve no constructive purpose. The answer to this is that we are not dealing with the superficial existence of the people of the Earth, with their wars, their hates and vanities but are concerned with the evolution of the soul. Sometimes the soul requires very intense experiences, fraught with agony and distress, which will make such a definite imprint in the consciousness that succeeding embodiments will show benefit and progress. 

Sometimes the Christ Self allows the breath to sustain a headstrong personality in his progress towards destruction for this soul lesson, but you can be sure that the old saying about giving a calf enough rope is true insofar as the Christ Self will never sustain breath in a body unless the ultimate lesson will provide the Spiritual need. 

Keep always before your mind's eye that when you draw on the Universal Breath, and you have received of its bounty, that your capacity is increased thereby and what you do with breath will be more important than before.

Love and Blessings,






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