Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 47                                                                                                                       February 17, 1974


My Beloved Chelas: 

I believe your beings will be filled with the Love which Lady Miriam expressed in her message following the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony last evening. 

Lady Miriam speaks: 

"My dear Heart Friends, I am Miriam and I am grateful for the privilege of speaking with you this evening from the Focus of our beloved Maha Chohan at Ceylon. 

You perhaps know that beloved Holy Æolus was my guru, and many times through the years I came to this Holy Focus in my etheric consciousness and it became a familiar place to me, almost a second home. I journeyed here to be bathed in its gentle Love - that feeling Quality of the Holy Spirit which did so assist me. And this afternoon, our present Maha Chohan, the beloved Paul, came to me and said "Miriam our revered Holy Æolus will shortly be here, and I invite you to come to his study where we shall have a heart-to-heart talk. 

When I arrived at the appointed time and bowed to his glorious Presence, my father (in my final embodiment) also was there. He was known to many of the chelas as "papa". He was accompanied by his Divine Complement, the beloved Amaryllis. So you see, my friends, he is the Cosmic son of Holy Æolus. Oh, we had a beautiful afternoon, in great friendliness! You might think that would have been a time when we were thinking of the great activity of the evening... ah, my lovely ones, camaraderie of the Spirit is so beautiful and by our gentle and loving conversation, we blended as One in the great all-encompassing Spirit of Light. I do hope I can convey to you, through my feelings, what a tremendous privilege was mine, and may that Love and Comfort of the Holy Spirit enfold you in its Holy Essence. 

We will now speak of the Transmission Activity... over the Focus the amphitheater which looks like a beautifully landscaped garden covers all of Asia. Above this amphitheater is a replica of the Cosmic Dove of the Holy Spirit over Long Island. Before the Breathing Ceremony, one could see the Light going from one dove to the other. As you know, the Seven Chohans are under the direction of the Maha Chohan and they are all here this evening, in their magnificence, each one sending the Light of his particular quality into these Rays. How they all love the Cosmic Holy Spirit who was their immediate superior for many years. And now they lovingly give the same deference to beloved Paul... a handsome being of great dignity. 

As you know, the focus at Ceylon, as given in your literature is under a tea plantation... you might wonder at this description ...it is just inside a level of ground of one of the terraces of the plantation. This passage is visible to those who are aware of its location. It is thus in many cases throughout Asia where the mighty Beings and Holy men reside. Our beloved Paul sustains an etheric body here so that when it is necessary to greet anyone of the outer world, he uses this garment, because his glorious Presence would be shattering to one not fully spiritually developed who came into his Presence. 

So remember, this actually is a physical Focus on the Planet Earth and it is magnificent in every detail with its beautiful simplicity. There have not been any changes in the decor so to speak since beloved Paul was elevated to the office of Maha Chohan, with one outstanding exception... the beloved Paul, as you know, was the celebrated painter Veronese, and he has precipitated a glorious likeness of Holy Æolus in the study. The glorious picture pulsates with such Light that one would think Holy Æolus was standing there in his tangible Presence. 

Tonight, at the request of beloved Paul, Holy Æolus acquiesced and went to the altar with him to breathe upon the Sacred Flame which is within the Chalice... the Chalice is exquisitely adorned with the Doves symbolic of the Holy Spirit. When they breathed upon this Flame of Comfort and Peace, the white Light from their Beings was tremendous and it blazed and blazed until they were scarcely visible... then that Flame took on the glorious shades of Pink from the most delicate soft shade to ruby, and the intensified shades of gold. 

Then it reached the Dove in the amphitheater and traveled around the Earth, it followed a track of Rainbow Rays - all the colors of the spectrum... because people evolving upon this Planet are on the different Rays. In an endeavor to bring Peace to every individual, they will each receive a Gift from the Ray which they require most to forward their evolution. Just realize that for the next twenty-four hour period as the Flame is greatly accelerated that the Earth will be enriched in the Seven Rays and the Blessings of all the Chohans are being showered upon all the people, and all the Kingdoms, evolving on this Sphere. 

With a prayer in our Hearts, we humbly anticipate that each one will receive Peace, which does come when one recognizes the Holy Spirit within, and they feel that Comforting Presence about them. 0 dear God, my sincere prayer is that all men shall know the Holy Spirit ere many years have passed and I beseech you, my friends on Earth, to turn your attention to Holy Æolus and to beloved Paul this month specifically and endeavor to become a Holy Spirit in action at all times. 

This evening beloved Paul is going to be host at a reception to all the great Beings who are here - some from other stars - and this reception will include a musical, for we know that Divine Harmony does so much for the Earth and her evolutions. We expect to hear the glorious tones from the magnificent voice of Harmony, our beloved LaMoray, and many of the other Beings who have such great musical talent... to mention a few, beloved Saint Germain, Kuthumi, Serapis and so on. 

It is about time for me to leave you and join the others so I will just say that our blessed Morya is in such a mellow mood this evening, I would not be surprised if his selection on the piano will be "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms"...and if there is an encore, I am sure he will play "The Last Rose of Summer", which he does so beautifully. 

So now my Heart friends, you may not think that this talk has been along Cosmic lines - but remember that as I said earlier, in camaraderie of Spirit there is Unity! And blessing you all with Unity of your lower selves with the Christ, feel my Love enfold you, each lovely one. Thank You."

Blessed ones, trust beloved Miriam's message will impregnate your beings with the Truth that we are all your brothers and sisters... just on a Higher Plane of Consciousness

Love and Blessings,







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