Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 20                                                                                                                       August 15, 1971


Friends of Light:


Continuing the excerpts from the releases given at the Summer Conference at Shamballa, I present to you today the Lord of the Ascension Flame.  

Beloved Serapis Bey speaks:  

"Throughout the ages I, individually, have been interested in architecture and I am often referred to as the Divine Architect, due to the fact that my Flame and Ray have been directed into great projects in the building field - religious and secular. I bring this to your attention not to present a personal equation, but to tell you that all the sons and daughters in Heaven's realms are releasing the might of their Beings in this time of Restoration of those glorious expressions in the Divine Blueprint as they first came forth from the Supreme Source - the Cosmic Architect of the Universe. 

Many of the early Temples which still lie upon the bosom of beloved Neptune, where they are hermetically sealed to preserve their grandeur and structure will, in the not too distant future, begin to surface from the depths of the seas. I believe this is an opportune time to bring to your attention that the most important activity in this period of restoration is the re-building of the four lower bodies of mankind, in order that they may serve their true purpose as garments of Perfection, through which the Holy Christ Self may function to expand the borders of God's Kingdom in this world of form. 

Since it is my privilege, to be the Lord of the Ascension Flame for this Earth, I am deeply involved in the service of rising, or ascending, the vibratory action of those vehicles into a higher frequency compatible to the Holy Christ Self. This is the estate in which the lifestreams on this Planet functioned in the early Golden Ages - and I pour forth my Heart's Love to you as I daily serve with your Holy Christ Self to firing about this Transfiguration. You realize that this is also the activity of the glorious Micah, Angel of Unity - the process of submission, through humility, of the lower consciousness to be the servant of the Indwelling Christ! 

Please give me your undivided attention as I tell you of the granting of a Petition which it was my pleasure to present to the Karmic Board... In some countries on this Planet there are provisions made by the Government to assist those who are termed "Senior Citizens" through monetary and other means, to help them on their homeward journey! It has been my contention that the constructive senior citizens, we will call them, should be the recipients of additional assistance from the Spiritual Government, so I shall tell you my Petition in essence, and I assure you that my Heart is filled with gratitude that it has been granted... 

All constructive individuals on the Planet Earth when they reach the age of 60 years shall have a certain portion of their karma transmuted, in proportion to their constructive service to life, to enable them to complete their journey on Earth with greater ease. (Please remember that the harmonious release of energy is a constructive service, for it adds to the Light of the world.) In this manner, particularly in the case of the chelas who are in their final embodiment on Earth, a far less amount of returning destructive karma will have to be balanced. 

As you are perhaps aware, many chelas in this age group have found that they are experiencing considerable difficulty of a physical nature, and from this day forward their journey will be easier. 

This Petition is being allowed by the Karmic Board so that those who go to the Ascension Temples to balance their karma will be able to receive their final Victory in a shorter period of time, and in their God-Freedom will be able to accelerate their service to their brothers and sisters yet remaining on the Earth. Please do not think me facetious when I say there is no potion or vitamin pill that can compare with this Grant! Let it be said that many who now dread advancing years can look forward to this reward for service, we shall say." 

0, my chelas, endeavor with every fiber of your beings, to become The Christ in action at all times.

Love and Blessings,








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