Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 33                                                                                           November 12, 1967

Beloved Chelas: 

"I AM" encouraged by the number of individuals on the plane of Earth who are turning within and becoming aware of the spiritually significant meaning of the Thanksgiving Celebration. 

While individuals are busily engaged in formulating plans for reunion with family and friends on this day, it is becoming increasingly evident that the majority of mankind in the Western Hemisphere are nourishing the Flame of Gratitude in their hearts. When one realizes that it is from God that all Blessings flow, that one is opening the door for increased happiness and prosperity to flow into his world, which may take the form of monetary supply, health, Peace or whatever the requirement may be. 

The God from whom all Blessings flow is the Supreme Source of all Life and each man, woman or child is the offspring or individualization of the God Parents. In the world of form, children travel far and wide looking for worlds to conquer in an experimental journey ofttimes forgetting the fundamental principles which they learned at the knee of their Earthly parents. Now think of the sojourns mankind have made upon the Earth, traveling hither and you, forgetting their Source. 

The time comes to each man when his consciousness travels back to the parents who gave him physical birth and the bond of love is intensified in his being, whether he chooses to apprise the parents or not. However, when the soul seeks reunion with the God-Parents through the awakening of the Christ within (the true Child of God), there is great rejoicing for all the Free sons and daughters of Heaven rush forth to assist him on his return journey. In the Spiritual sense, the child actually is never for an instant disconnected from the God-Parents, for it is the Light Essence which feeds the Individualized God Flame, which in turn sustains Life within the lower garments. 

When we say that we are grateful that man is turning more and more to his Source, it is significant that recognition is dawning upon the many of the fount from whom all Blessings flow, and this is a good indication and should be a source of encouragement to the chelas that the calls which are being made, and have been made, are bearing fruit. God bless you and thank you for your Service to the Light and to Life...

 Love and Blessings,







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