Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 34                                                                                                     November 19, 1967


Beloved of the Light: 

How many times you have made the Affirmation I AM grateful, grateful, grateful great I AM, to Thee and on the return current, the Flame of Gratitude has expanded within your hearts. 

Now, with all the Love of my Being I say to you my beloved chelas, I AM grateful - grateful for your Love of the Light and your constancy in your service, your continued dedication to the freeing of this planet and her evolutions from all that is less than Christ Perfection! 

During the seven Sacred Weeks which will include specifically the Radiation of Holy Shamballa and then the Rocky Mountain Retreat, there will be mighty Beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy formulating and putting Plans into action, with the cooperation of the chelas on Earth, which will result in the forward progress of this Planet and all her evolutions. 

The Thought Form for the Thanksgiving Class will be a Cornucopia of Light from which will flow the Golden Essence of Peace to all evolving on this Earth, and I humbly suggest that all the chelas hold this Pattern in their consciousness all during the Sacred Season, asking the Angels of Peace to encircle the Globe carrying a Cornucopia of Peace, dispensing its Radiation to all life upon this Planet. 

As you know, in the greater number of Nations throughout the Earth, mankind will be celebrating Christmas, commemorating the birth of our Beloved Master Jesus, and their consciousness will be most receptive to the Radiation of Peace. Make the call that the Flame of Peace will be expanded, and infiltrate the consciousness of those whose hearts are hardened except to the acceptance of victory over another part of life through human domination. 

Through the Power of the Almighty Presence of God "I AM", may the Essence of Peace enter the consciousness of every individualization on this Earth, resulting in a cessation of all hostilities of a warring nature. This is my Heart call and I invite you to join with me in making this manifest upon this Planet.

Love and Blessings,








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