Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 14, No. 35                                                                                      November 29, 1964


Beloved Chelas: 

I come to you bringing the Love of the Holy Spirit, who’s Radiation it is now my extreme privilege to dispense to the Children of Earth. 

As one ascends a rung higher on the Ladder of Light, greater is his Joy in Service, and I assure you, beloved ones, my Heart is indeed filled with gratitude for the Service which is now mine. 

I wish to bring to your particular attention that it is the Radiation of the Holy Spirit which is brought to you in these BULLETIN Releases, not of any individual being. The further we go in our Spiritual Evolution, the more we realize and experience the blending into the ONE GREAT LIGHT. The lessons which shall be given to you will follow the pattern set up by my Predecessor, Holy Ćolus, and perhaps, where necessary for your evolution, there will be a repetition of instructions, if it is felt that a certain point in the Spiritual Law requires greater impression on your consciousness for your understanding and putting it into practice. 

You have arrived at a vital time in your Spiritual Unfoldment, where the nature of the outer self should be submerged in the Holy Christ Flame which has had to remain silent for centuries. That glorious Three-fold Flame, when given the opportunity, can and will, illumine the mind, but the will of the intellectual self must surrender to that Silent Presence and then the illumination of the outer self from WITHIN can take place and truly the Christ Self can be the Directing Intelligence of the lifestream, when given the opportunity in humility and peace. 

Anticipating a Blessed Association with you, my brothers and sisters, as the Essence of the Holy Spirit blends us all into the One Consciousness, "I AM",

                                                      Love and Blessings,







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