A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 13, No. 34                                                                                            November 22, 1964


My Beloved Chelas: 

At this Season of the year when the thoughts of the mass of mankind is on the celebration of Thanksgiving and the Christmas Season, the Angelic Host are afforded a splendid opportunity to assist in raising the vibratory action of the Earth and her Evolutions... due greatly to the fact that mankind, in the majority, open themselves to the Radiation of Love and Peace. 

The vibratory action of the group called the Angelic Host is all of one Nature. The vibratory action of the Ascended Masters, while differing in frequency, sound and color, contains the same central theme of Love, and the vibratory action of the great host of Cosmic Beings is likewise distinct in its wave length and frequency. The vibratory actions of the four lower bodies of mankind each have a distinct frequency, which forms the elemental essence of the sphere in which they dwell. 

Thus you will see that to tune in to any particular octave your own vibratory action must vary considerably, although they all blend together from the Ascended Master Octave upward, as the colors of the rainbow blend in harmonious expression and sound. The initial step for the lifestream is to accomplish the control of the rate of vibration passing through his own physical and inner bodies, in order that he may be free at any moment to sound the keynote of the sphere into which he wishes to enter, but if he has not control of his own vehicles they become cumbersome and less responsive to the desire of the consciousness to enter into or direct from a particular sphere either knowledge, radiation, assistance or understanding. 

Therefore all sincere chelas should draw the vibratory action of their own Holy Christ Self so powerfully through their lower vehicles before proceeding into contact with the world of men, that no matter what the impact - emotional, mental, etheric or physical pressure might be, the vibratory action of your vehicles remains undisturbed and continues to play whatever melody or harmony or peace you have set into motion by your conscious command. We should appreciate the cooperation of the chelas in keeping their vibratory action the rate of their own Christ Self and thus assist, as the Angelic Host does, in raising the vibratory rate of the mass of mankind which has a distinct tendency to enter into the hustle and bustle of the "shopping season". Again the cooperation of Angels and men can play an important part in keeping the emanation at a peaceful rate in keeping with the Holy Season.

                                                    Love and Blessings,








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