Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 13, No. 33                                                                                                                   November 15, 1964


Beloved Chelas: 

The average man through embodiment after embodiment maintains more or less a certain rate of fundamental vibrations. These form the energy pattern of his inner vehicles and determine the sphere of experience in which he dwells. His understanding of Truth, and his knowledge, are largely determined by the sphere in which his inner bodies dwell, since they report to him constantly the vibratory action of that sphere and that which is contained within it - truth or fallacy alike. 

When the Ascended Masters come forth from time to time to assist mankind's progress, Their Light flashing through the inner bodies raises the vibratory action temporarily, and enables those vehicles to rise above their previous experience, and in this elevation they are able to understand and know more of Truth. 

When the Higher Rate of Vibration is withdrawn, the individual again returns to the state of his own vibration, but the experience leaves him with a little higher grasp of Truth. With the continuance of such acceleration, the vehicles gradually endeavor of their own accord to rise into that sphere where they have enjoyed the Higher Vibration. It is in this way that the chelas have been gradually raised into a greater understanding of Truth. 

This is essential training, because to insure the cooperation of the inner bodies is to raise the entire lifestream. The instruction of the intellect alone leaves the unseen but most powerful members of the lifestream untrained, and with no desire to assist in the progress of the evolution of the Spirit. 

The chelas, unlike the mass of mankind, have now through the kindness of the Ascended Host tasted the sweetness of the Higher Rate of Vibration, and it is now their responsibility to maintain this accelerated vibratory action, and through their proximity with other lifestreams who have not had the privilege of this training, they should be able to raise them, as we have you. So you see you are now becoming true Radiating Centers for the Vibratory Action which is necessary to raise this Planet and her evolutions. 

                                                 Love and Blessings,







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