Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 13, No. 6                                                                                                                May 10, 1964


Beloved Chelas: 

There is a saying "In Unity there is Strength" and there is a beautiful and cosmic meaning behind this statement, because from the 'Cosmic Heart' flows the energy which is the motivating power of all service and activity in life. This is even true of the physical heart, for the energy by which the body is moved flows from it and the resulting action is dependent upon that flow. 

When any part of life, Ascended or unascended, by the free will of the intelligence, chooses to dedicate the flow of his life-energy to a given service, a stream of energy begins to flow from the Great Central Sun into his heart and then from the heart, like a river, toward the certain goal or objective. 

This stream of energy is made up of countless billions of electrons, the pressure and intensity of the flow determined by the one-pointedness and tenacity of the being engaged upon that particular activity. If the lifestream has chosen cosmic service, such as healing and remains faithful through the course of many hundreds of centuries, a tremendous river of electrons, proceeding from his heart and focused at some place in space is representative of his momentum gained in that service and those are the 'Temples of Light'. Great Foci like the ‘Love Star’ established and sustained by the individual intelligences, can arouse the interest of every phase of life and for volunteers from every heart, direct streams of energy into that original Ray. 

One has, of course, a more powerful momentum of the statement "Unity is Strength" as the Master Saint Germain, Jesus and other Beings who are representative of the Hierarchy, have gathered around themselves countless numbers of the Angelic Host and many volunteers from the human race. Their cosmic service has gained in momentum and power and efficacy through the combination of the Light from the various heart streams. Any chela, then, who has contributed to this momentum and who, by his own heart desire, has become a sympathetic co-worker with the Master and can draw on the full power of that combined momentum at any time to help his cause at any given place, for the Cause is ONE and the cosmic momentum gathered is at the disposal of all wherever the Cause can be served by any member who desires, at any time, added assistance in the establishment of the Cause's good.

Love and Blessings,








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