Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 13, No. 5                                                                                                                    May 3, 1964


Beloved Chelas: 

By a man's Light is he justified and by a man's Light is he condemned. This statement is filled with meaning for the awakened. 

Every man, woman and child that is born into the Third Dimensional Plane gives forth a certain amount of Light which forms the Aura around the body, and no two people emit the same amount of Light, not even in the Ascended Master’s Octave. There is no such thing as an exact degree of Light which forms the Path of even the White Brotherhood, because the Light emitted by the lifestream is always dependent upon the free will and volition of the individual. Thus, sometimes, for instance the Master Jesus, in contemplation is drawing in the Light-Essence and the radiation emitted from his body would be less than that of the Master who had come from contemplation and was pushing forth, literally, the good he had drawn for the sake of the peoples of Earth. Looking at the Light of two Masters we would find it varying in degree of intensity according to the particular activity of the moment. 

The individual, Ascended or unascended, who is drawing the God-Power, condenses the Light closely around the body which becomes so brilliant that the form often is dissolved within it. In the Kingdom of Heaven you will find these pillars of intense concentrated Light ever so often as you walk among the buildings or the grounds, etc. Each such Pillar is the Individualized Focus of some God-Form in adoration. 

When a Master has drawn this tremendous, concentrated power for some specific service, according to his thought and desire, the pillar begins to expand as he turns his activity outward and the depth and intensity of the central color, as it expands, becomes lighter and lighter until his form again becomes visible within it. As there is not time in the Kingdom, each one serves according to his individual prompting, and one of the most beautiful sights is this ever changing activity of Light and color as one Master after another draws into the Golden Flame and steps out of the Invisible again when he has completed his contemplative devotion. 

In the kingdom of Earth much the same thing takes place, but to a much more limited degree. The student in meditation draws into a condensation of Golden Light and loses all consciousness of personality and then, as he begins to move forward into activity, the sense of self returns as his 'Virtue' expands and is emitted for the blessing of all. This, in the unawakened, causes a feeling of deflation but when one advances beyond a certain stage, the expanding of the Light drawn for actual service in the daily routine will not deplete the original ecstasy any more than the exhalation of the breath depletes the body more than the inhalation.

Love and Blessings,








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