Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 13, No. 20                                                                                                                  August 16, 1964


The Divine Identity of every unascended being belonging to this Planet Earth an Expression of the most exquisite perfection. The evolution of the thinkers among the race would be greatly accelerated could the veil between the seen and unseen be drawn aside, and the outer personality for an instant have the great privilege of gazing upon the Holy Christ Self of themselves, as well as their friends and associates. 

Mankind, in the majority, has the limited consciousness which can only recognize and accept the outer vehicle, because the maya of human creation has covered the Divine Perfection with this garment of accepted imperfection, and in so doing the Divine Power which is the animating principle of the lower vehicle is forgotten. I would impress upon my chelas the importance of actually knowing the Christ within, and realizing that this Divinity is the most marvelous teacher and friend when invoked with sincerity on behalf of one's self or those who they are endeavoring to assist for the greatest good of all. 

If you are earnestly desirous of serving in the vineyard to bring about God Perfection for all life, permit me to emphasize that the Holy Christ Self is a tremendous Power, and when its Light is called forth, you give that Christ, authority in the third dimensional plane, which the Cosmic Law has not yet allowed it to take, because of human free will. We are approaching the time in the evolution of this planet Earth and her people, when a Cosmic Dispensation will be given, which will give authorization to the Holy Christ Self of every unascended being to descend in full Power and God Authority through the lifestreams whom they have served and sustained through the centuries. 

If the chela would anticipate this Dispensation with peace in their own lives and a tremendous unfoldment of new avenues of service and the cosmic opportunities which the intercession of the Divine Self can release through all you contact, this would greatly hasten the release of this Dispensation by forming a magnet through their thoughts and feeling which would draw this Grant from the Spiritual Law. Ponder my words, beloved ones, and be guided thereby!

Love and Blessings,








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