Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 13, No. 19                                                                                                   August 9, 1964


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

I would like to take up with you today the subject of transforming the human nature. 

Mankind is searching for Truth, as has been his quest for eons of time, hoping that in so doing this search will yield the answer to peace of mind and heart, perfect health, youth, happiness and all good. All this Perfection as you know, is the outpicturing of the Qualities of the I AM Presence. Since the chelas have not as yet reached the development where they are that PRESENCE IN ACTION at all times, I would direct their attention to their Elder Brothers and Sisters - elder in so far as they have reached the mature state of Perfection expressed at all times in the Ascended Master Realm. 

After you, beloved ones, have centered yourself as firmly and one-pointedly as your development will allow in the Directing Intelligence of your lifestream, the Holy Christ Self, ask one of the Ascended Beings to whom you have a particular affinity to give you their Feeling and Understanding of God Perfection, and feel the expansion of the Christ within and that assistance will flow to you as freely as you will accept. As you practice the nature of the Great One in your daily and hourly living, you gradually come into oneness with your own Holy Christ Self, and when that Holy Christ Self is permitted to take control of the lower vehicles the human consciousness which heretofore held sway fades away and is replaced with the consciousness of the Ascended Master Realm, or Perfection. 

I would stress the point that it is not wise to battle the human consciousness by effort of will, rather it is expedient for the chela to turn his consciousness over to the Christ within and allow that radiation and feeling to be superimposed upon the human thought and feeling, which will, if given free rein, attune the lower self and transmute the human consciousness into that of Perfection. 

When 'practicing the Presence' becomes the daily way of living, the chela will find that he does not continually have to be upreaching for the Higher Consciousness but he will feel the steady flow of the Sacred Essence of Divinity through his vehicles, which will, according to Law, flow through him to bless all with whom he comes in contact. 

Accept the special assistance which the Ascended Masters of Wisdom are permitted to give you at this time and see, feel and accept that help which will reap great rewards in your spiritual development.

Love and Blessings,






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