Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 11, No. 17                                                                                                                   July 22, 1962


My Beloved wayfarers: 

Man is allotted every day a certain amount of energy, determined by the number of heartbeats that pass through the physical body. That energy, when used to add to the good of the Universe, immediately creates a color radiance in the Causal Body - corresponding to the particular service for good that was rendered. For instance, if the chela were the instrument of helping improve the worldly affairs and well-being of a worthy person, the energy which he drew from God and which was the cause of supply for another, immediately rose into his Causal Body and became a Green Flame, which forms part of the color band as illustrated on the chart. 

Whenever you break bread with the hungry man, bird, or animal, wherein God's supply is expressed for the comfort of any creature, you increase that Green Ray within your Causal Body. When you endow money for the maintenance of hospitals, spiritual endeavors, monasteries and asylums from which God's children are to receive the Bread of Life and the necessities of life; your energy becomes part of that mighty Green Flame within the Causal Body. Thus embodiment after embodiment, whenever a man casts his bread upon the Waters of Life, he sets into motion the very Substance of Life, which remains within his Causal Body to be precipitated back to him a thousand-fold. This is the Law of the Circle. It is the Law scientifically used that many acknowledge when they say - "Give and Life will reward you in kind.  

Because so many of you, my children of Light, have in this life and in all preceding lives, done much to expand supply (which is primarily God's gift and my gift) the band within your Causal Body is of great importance, and is pulsating with impending good even as the clouds which gather preceding a storm are pregnant with the substance of water to be released. 

Green attracts supply because that color, being one with the vibratory action of the supply already within the Causal Body, forms a spiritual affinity or silent invocation to that accumulated good by which the reason and likeness draws the manifestation forth. 

The fullness of my Life and my Love forever enfold you.

Love and Blessings,








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