Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 9, No. 30                                                                                                         Oct. 23, 1960


Beloved children seeking the Pathway Home: 

It is my joy, honor and privilege to give to you today the words, Radiation and Instruction of the Beloved Himalaya, as given at Transmission Flame Class, October 15, 1960. 

Love and Blessings


 Beloved Himalaya  speaks: 

"Beloved and blessed ones who have taken embodiment so many times in the Orient and who knew the grace and the peaceful living of our peoples in the time of our own Golden Ages, I bring to you again the remembrance of the true grace and beauty which the Orient knew, some of which I guard within the Foci in the heart of the Himalayan Mountains which you shared and which can be revivified so easily now that many of you have taken embodiment in the Occident, for a specific God Service to life.

Beloved ones not only the Orient is going through the purging today of all the accumulation of the ages but so is the great Occidental world. We knew this some years ago and, therefore, the great God Meru, my confrere, helped to remove so many of the treasures from the Himalayan Mountains into the comparative safety of the Andes. These treasures contain the written manuscripts of those Beings from the Fourth Root Race of which "I AM" the Guardian; all great Avatars, all great Teachers, all those Immortals who have come down through the ages; some you have not yet known. We have held these documents first in the Himalayan Foci which I guard and now in the Temple of Illumination that of the God and Goddess Meru to save them from vandalism and from human creations, temporary true, but which desire to destroy and despoil or change Truth in order to fit an individual's own outer consciousness and way of living. 

Beloved ones that is one of the trickiest activities of the consciousness of the outer man! I have taught many chelas at the Temple of the Blue Lotus, where they sat in our garden, having made an arduous physical pilgrimage. In almost every instance when a Truth is presented each such a one has a reference to collaborate his own error. That is true of every great Teacher who has lived and it will be true until the chelas desire honesty in their own beings more than collaboration with the impure motive behind their personal defections. 

Beloved ones, we never come to scold, we come to bring you Light. We come again today to bring all of the Light of the great Himalayan Mountains and the full gathered cosmic momentum of all of the good which has been stored there through the ages and all of the wisdom which is mine to direct and yours to receive, until it enfolds this Planet Earth following the Transmission track and every one of the chelas who visits the Temple of the Blue Lotus standing in the garden before our Foci of God Peace and looking upon that Blue Lotus Flower and makes an impersonal design shall have it fulfilled within this thirty-day period (October 15th through November 14th, 1960). Thus you move constantly forward! 

Your gentleman Sponsors, strong as the great Himalayan Range, are powerful and yet loving, if you are honest enough and are desirous enough of accepting Truth into your own lower vehicles and then utilizing that Truth to give more Freedom, Truth and Understanding to others will help you. Without your acceptance of any of our Gifts and Virtues, they remain, as you have often been told, in the atmosphere around you or are sometimes utilized by other individuals who are more alert. 

In the early eras before the beloved Holy Spirit himself secured permission for the Transmission Flame Classes and later permission was allowed to use projection of consciousness to our Ascended Master Retreats, it took a life-time for a chela to find one honest Guru; a lifetime of searching, and then she or he received just enough of Truth in order to finish out that Earth span. So merciful has been the Maha Chohan in opening the doors of the Ascended Masters' Retreats, and the Ascended Host in giving to you the power of projected consciousness, in giving to you every month an Ascended Master Sponsor. 

Only a Being like unto the Maha Chohan could have the mercy for which I thank him on behalf of the Fourth Root Race of which "I AM the Manu, and guard and protect all of its sub races who have not yet achieved the Ascension. I thank him for allowing the Planet Earth and its atmosphere to be their home, until they learn the Divine Law and are ready to advance with their Planet to greater freedom. Yes, "I AM" grateful! Suppose this Great One or the Karmic Board had given the edict that I, and all the seven sub races of the Fourth Root Race be removed from the Earth at any time, we should of course obey, because that is the Law of Heaven, to make room for these great Beings but I have a responsibility for the sub races of the Fourth Root Race and it should be my responsibility and obligation to find a comfortable habitat for them, and for their souls until they awaken too. Thus it is your responsibility to help the great Manu of the Sixth Root Race to purify all the members of that race and allow the Divine One whom you have known as the Great Divine Director, Lord Saithrhu, to bring in the Seventh Root Race - all beautiful and shining Spirits. 

How think you I felt when the Planet Earth is so far behind in her evolutionary scheme that the Seventh Root Race and its Manu should already been enabled to use it. Instead there are still members of my Root Race, in the Orient and in the Occident too, using the Earth as a habitat! How think you I feel before the Lords of Karma, before Helios and Vesta and others, Divine Ones of whom you know not! Some have kindly endeavored and have helped to purify those beings of the Fourth Root Race under my jurisdiction. To them I AM eternally grateful! 

Look now into the heart of the Blue Lotus, visualizing it at our Focus, safe in the heart of the Himalayan Mountains. See it large, floating in its crystalline pond. Not physically, but in projected consciousness bend over it and kiss it, if you like and give to it your wish, impersonal if possible, thanking the great Oriental Being who stands there for that opportunity. Then always, as in a case of state, the chela and the Great One guarding it back away from the magnificent Lotus Chamber and sit if they choose in our garden Paradise high in Heaven or await, if they are worthy, there is a marked place there on the right side, just a small golden mark on the chela's shoulder, for my return and each one enters into the Foci of our Temple. I can show you there the wax imprints, some of your own writing, some of the writings of Lord Gautama, of Lord Jesus. They are great tremendous books, you have not in this embodiment seen the like of them. They have carved wooden tops and bottoms, and those carvings, beloved ones, took somebody in the Orient a whole embodiment to complete. Some are carved in teakwood, if the writings are of those yet unascended. Page after page after page of the inscriptions are written, then sanded over and then carefully covered with a material something like a tissue paper today but it is a flaxen material, so one page does not stick to another. If the writings are of Ascended Beings whose volumes are still in our care, they will be books anywhere to ten feet in height. These have covers of the most beautiful ivory carved too, not only the top but the bottom, by some being of the Orient (each volume is inscribed with the name of the Being whose record is contained therein). The beauty of those books, although of course, they are outmoded today by your smaller books. We retain, as well as those that are guarded by the God and Goddess Meru. Along the left side is written the Volume, so that an earnest chela can take out just one page or one sheaf to some quiet place in our beautiful Himalayan Retreat, study it and then place it back carefully or you may give to one of our Brotherhood and they will replace it for you. 

These things are REAL! Confucius statements are real. There is continuity to his life, as well as to his sayings. Vandals tried to destroy the true story of his life and to distort that Truth which he brought forth for the edification of the masses. That part of the activity which is acting upon the Earth today. In counsel long ago we decided to make duplicates of these records and we have in our Foci and in God Meru's Foci those perfect documents of the Divine Beings. We have in my Foci your records in the Orient and in Meru's Foci your records in the Occident. You might like to look at a page now and again, when you lived on Lemuria or Atlantis or on other Stars and Planets; you might choose to ask your gentleman Sponsor to help you to transmute some of those records of an imperfect nature. Isn't it nice that they are movable, so if you don't like a tray of your own, if you bring it out you can place it into the magnificent Violet Flame and give back good constructive activity in God's Holy Service. 

I AM hoping that this you will desire to do! 

To the great God and Goddess Meru, spirit of the Andes, and to the Seventh Root Race, its Manu and its peoples, I bow; and to you who have chosen to give me the homage of your presence I can but give the blessing of Peace Divine, the Love of our Sponsors for you, and the Gratitude of myself for your presence in the Universe, for your visitations which I know will occur in the easier manner of projected consciousness and for your acceptance of my Reality as a Being who lives but to serve. 

Thank you! The Peace of the Temple of the Blue Lotus be with you now and always".

Love and Blessings,









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