Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 9, No. 31                                                                                                    Oct. 30, 1960


Beloved Ones: 

"I AM" endeavoring to increase your understanding through your outer consciousness of the various activities of the Divine Beings who guard the Earth and her peoples. As strongly emphasized in the Autumn Class of 1960, more attention love and gratitude should be given daily to the Beloved Silent Watcher of the Earth, Immaculate, who holds the Divine Blue Print, given to her by Helios and Vesta, and from whose Divine Being there flows constantly the pattern of perfection for the Earth and all her attendant evolutions, as well as for you, dear and earnest chelas. If Immaculata allowed her Divine Plans to waver for a moment or if she did not sustain the Immaculate Concept for each of you, there would not even be a Planet Earth in the Solar System of Helios and Vesta.                       

So too, you have an individual Silent Watcher, who holds the Divine Pattern for each of you, refusing to accept the imperfection which you have temporarily drawn about you. Give your loving gratitude to this personal Silent Watcher and ask her to assist you to again express the true God Image in which you were created. Of All Divine Beings belonging to a Planet, the Planetary Silent Watcher is most important. 

We are entering, now, into the season of harvest, Angelic and human and elemental. Allow your own Silent Watcher through you to bring such a harvest to Shamballa as was never known before, Thus you add your dear energies to the Lord of the World and to the Earth herself.

Love and Blessings,