Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 9, No. 29                                                                                       Oct. 16, 1960


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

Each individual coming into embodiment upon the Earth holds a needle and through the eye of that needle the thread of life flows. Each one must sew his pattern, and none may take the needle from the hand of the sewer or execute even one stitch in the pattern of his life. As the eye is the efficacy of the needle through which life’s thread flows, so is the Great Cosmic I the life-giving principle of man. The human personality, or outer self, is synonymous with the needle that is used to sew the pattern to be expressed in the individual experience of each man. 

Through Mercy the Cosmic Law allows intervention to the point where the wrong stitches may be cut out, and wrongly applied thread removed from the pattern (use of the Violet Flame of Mercy). Life also allows, by Cosmic Law (through the contemplation, meditation and aspirations of the wayfarer) the Perfected Beings to offer their assistance in showing the manner in which the stitches should be sewn. Also the pattern may be held before the sewer as a guide to his fingers, but from the lowest to the highest, the actual sewing must take place through the individual's own personal endeavors. This is a homely simile; yet these homely phrases often carry a mental picture which enables the chela to understand that self-conscious endeavor precedes Mastery. 

Wrong patterns have been removed by the Ascended Ones time and again and new thread has be placed in the needle, time and time again has the completed pattern been placed before the chela's eyes, and seeing, he makes a renewed endeavor to bring forth Life's Plan of beauty, patience, peace and richness of all good for him. When man learns that self-control is essential to Mastery he will begin to know that Mastery transmutes all errors, and that the application of one's own life-thread expands the God-Flame towards Mastery of all energy and vibration in his own world and then in a wider capacity to assist others. 

Looking over the individual pattern of "my faithful few" (few when taken into consideration with the billions embodied upon Earth at present) I rejoice to find a great swing in the bringing forth of the God-Pattern for each of my beloved. I bless and thank you.

Love and Blessings,






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