Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 5, No. 16                                                                                                           July 15, 1956


Beloved Children of the One Father: 

After carefully listening to the reports and petitions presented to the Karmic Board, for the upliftment of the race, by ascended and unascended beings alike, at the great Royal Teton half-yearly Council Meeting, it seemed to be the general consensus opinion that while a knowledge of the law has increased appreciably on the Earth plane the generation of Divine Love in the feelings of the people has not kept pace with it. It was, therefore, the unanimous hope of the attending Members that mankind at large, those who come under the direct instruction of the Ascended Masters would awaken in time to the fact that the conscious generation of Divine Love in the feeling is an absolutely essential requirement if they are to rise above the present human consciousness. 

The Seven Mighty Archangels and the entire Angelic Host for that matter, throw their affiliation with the emotional bodies of mankind, are all Cosmic Exponents of this indispensable God Quality and maybe invoked without limit if an individual finds it difficult to love or tolerate or compassionate his fellowman. 

Lord Michael himself in a recent address, and the Beloved Gabriel, part of whose, address I have the pleasure in offering you this week, both made appeals for the conscious generation of Divine love and kindliness in the student body in their association one with another. Beloved ones allow me to add my plea to theirs and say to you in the words of our Blessed Jesus "Little children, love one another, that all men may know ye are my disciples".

Love and Blessing,



(Beloved Lord Gabriel’s Summary of activities at the Rocky Mountain Retreat, 7/4/56) 

Beloved Friends:   will now give you a brief summary of the principal events which transpired at the half yearly Council Meeting of the Lords of Karma for the Planet Earth, which closed last evening, July 3, 1956. 

The petition of the Beloved Lord Michael* was accepted by the Karmic Board, but only about one-half of the lifestreams have agreed to become part of the evolution of Earth at this time. Therefore, Lord Michael and all those who backed his petition, especially the unascended beings, now see the necessity for the rehabilitation of the Earth plane before this request could be granted. It was pointed out that it would be a great pity to ask individuals who are enjoying the bliss of Nirvana to come and take embodiment in the Earth plane at this time. On the other hand, there are certain experiences that can only be obtained through physical embodiment which would widen the nature of the Causal Body and even that of the "I AM" Presence itself.

That is why those who have taken physical embodiment and have ascended from this planet have attained greater merit and achieved a wider scope of service than those who have remained within any one of the Seven Spheres and did not volunteer to come forth with their Manu. The Presence of the individuals who passed through the so-called second death had already volunteered and vowed to be a part of this evolution; therefore they do owe an obligation to life which is not yet fully accomplished. These Beings now live in realms difficult to describe to human minds. Form to them is practically non-existent. They live in an atmosphere where everything is love and light and the most magnificent expression of cosmic creation - where new galaxies are built, stars are created, and music and light are the predominant vibrations. 

Most of them have chosen to eradicate from their minds all memories of the Dark Star with its disappointments and tragedies. Then to have the idea suddenly presented to them that such a star still exists, with the thought that they might be called upon or rather invited to take embodiment upon it again, certainly proved startling and will require deep consideration on their part. Besides, many of them have departed to stars and galaxies. 

Another unusual occurrence that took place was that the Sponsors for 1957 chosen last evening, instead of waiting until the coming New Year. Now, that is interesting from many standpoints. You see, everything is being stepped up in this present endeavor between the Ascended Master Realm and the human one. The choosing of next year's Sponsors now means that each of you can begin to magnetize and draw on those Beings of whom you are fully cognizant and to whom the spirit of this Conference was dedicated, that is, the Beloved Elohim of Purity (Claire) and the Beloved Goddess of Truth (Pallas Athens). As these Beings will be the Sponsors for .1957, it follows that Truth and Purity will be the joint Keynote for next year. 

However, as there is a period of six months remaining, within which time there must be externalized somewhere the Keynote of 1956, which is that of Divine Love, emphasized through the nature of Chamuel, Charity, Paul (the Venetian) and Nada, the students must understand that they are expected to express outwardly a conscious understanding and manifestation of the quality of Divine Love before they can hope to attain a clear perception of Truth and Purity in their entirety. 

It is for this reason, beloved ones, that we cannot tell you of things to come too far in advance (Beloved Portia spoke to me at length about this) because the human consciousness is liable to jump over the six months period into the radiation of the incoming Sponsors and neglect the essential and poorly learned activity of Divine Love presented through the Silent Watcher to Sanat Kumara, for the year of 1956. 

We have yet six months within this cycle in which to intensify through your specified group* activities and your personal worlds the Thought Form for this current year - the Pink Heart - representing as you know both the auricles and the ventricles, the receiving and directing centers of the energy through the body. You also know that you have the same activity within your conscious ego - that is, the capacity of receiving the light from your Presence and the directing of it forth in service through your group activities, as well as your individual service to your fellowman. 

The Lady Masters who made particular appeals for the incoming children were very graciously received. Beloved Portia, who has such a tremendous love for the souls that are to come - and represents Opportunity in herself - did all she possibly could under the Law to give the Beloved Nada, Meta and the Beloved Mary the assistance for which they asked. Most of it revolved around the calling forth of purification of the ethers mental and emotional bodies of the individual before incarnation and the purification of mother and child during the period of gestation so that the Christ Self of the incoming soul will have as perfect an instrument as possible through which to fulfill it Divine Plan. 

The calls that you have made, beloved friends, individually and collectively, for the incoming children were greatly appreciated by the Hierarchy and the beloved Kwan Yin herself read a report of all that you have done in these calls for the purification of the inner bodies of the incoming souls as well as for their homes and families, their, parents, guardians, teachers and all those with whom they come in contact. 

Kwan Yin’s interest, as you know, centers around the so-called "fallen woman" and around the tremendous selfishness, pride, intolerance and other human emanations that often engulf an unwed mother-to-be, causing intense suffering and distress to that lit stream. She spoke upon that subject herself at some length, calling forth from the unascended portion of the audience a great response for the establishment and maintenance of homes where those individuals can hold up their heads and bring forth their offspring in a spirit of happiness and hope rather than self-deprecation, degradation and shame. The Beloved Kwan Yin commended highly those religious organizations (Sponsors of which were present) for having already done so much along this line of endeavor, of course, you will understand that conditions of this kind are much more prevalent among the teeming millions of the Oriental countries rather than in the Western Hemisphere.  

*The Beloved Archangel Michael, in a petition to the Karmic Board, requested that the "I AM" Presence of those egos who went through the "second death" be given an Opportunity to reincarnate on Earth once again so that they be enabled to fulfill their Divine Plan according to the vow they took to life when they first took embodiment.



(The Beloved Gabriel's Summary will be continued in next week's Bulletin.)






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