Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


VOLUME 3, Number 40                                                                                                  January 2, 1955


Beloved Children:

Once again the Brothers have gathered at the great Rocky Mountain Retreat where inventory is taken, so to speak, of the year's activities and new assignments given the Brotherhood for the coming year. I am happy to tell you that the Hierarchy is greatly pleased with the harvest gleaned through cooperative endeavor by both ascended and unascended beings working in conscious unison. We have made tremendous strides this past year in all branches of service through this conscious cooperative action and look for even greater achievement in the year that is ahead. My beloved son, Kuthumi, will now give you an eye picture of what took place on the evening of the Transmission Flame activity. Weary not, beloved ones, in your well-doing, for through it the veil that has so long hidden our octave from yours is being steadily dissolved. 

Blessings and Love


Beloved Friends: 

Tonight, above the majestic cathedral of the Royal Teton sit the mighty Divine Presences whom you have come to know and love as the Members of the Karmic Board. Their thrones are constructed of carved emerald in a most exquisite design and they all wear deep royal purple in honor of the New Age and Era. As a rule the Karmic Board as a body does not sit through this pre-Christmas Season, but because of the tremendous activities at inner levels due to the opportunity which the decrees and applications have made for the release of so many imprisoned lifestreams from the compound, the sleepers realm and the earth-bound, the Board has chosen to sit through the entire period up to and through the incoming of the New Year. 

Each Retreat is assigned a Council Chamber and either the Hierarch of the Retreat himself or his Representative places on the door of the Chamber a list of the various petitions, dispensations, plans and programs which the Retreat, through its members, chooses to advance in the twelve months cycle. All who attend are free to examine these and decide whether they care to offer their energies on their behalf. 

The seven great chambers around the original audience chamber have been thrown open for this great occasion. They are decorated in the seven colors of the Elohim. The altar in the central chamber is decorated in snow white. The calla and Madonna lilies, and every known flower which in the outer world does not come in white, has been given a white dress for this evening and become part of the living pedestal which honors the Transmission Flame of the Beloved Lanto and the Brotherhood who are primarily concerned in sending both the gifts of God and the Messengers of God into the world of form. 

As guests of honor, closing their year as sponsors for 1954, the Master Morya and the Beloved Mary are seated upon the center platform below the altar proper. The beloved Mary wears snow white, her garments encrusted with silver stars and the Beloved Morya wears a long robe, different from his accustomed Eastern attire, also encrusted in silver stars, symbolic of the Christmas Season. This evening each of them wears a magnificent crown of similar design and construction. 

The great All-seeing Eye activity of Cyclopea is blazing its Rays through the assembled guests, clearing the inner sight, hearing and brain structure and the blazing star of yellow diamonds, surrounded by the discs representative of the seven major planets of our system are sending their spiritual currents through the seven ganglionic centers of the entire race. 

The Brotherhood of the Royal Teton wear their usual garments of white, banded with green. Beloved Lanto requested Saint Germain to act as Presiding Master of the Transmission Flame Ceremony.  

Sanat Kumara and Saint Germain are seated together in the very first row facing the altar. Both wear identical garments of deep royal purple and only the bands of color in the outer vestments denote the seniority of the Lord of the World. Each One wears an amethyst crown and both are deep now in the Heart of the Silence - drawing into the Flame as much potent power from the inner realms as the magnetic power of their own Hearts can evoke. 

Lord Maitreya mingles with the guests, pouring the blessings of the Cosmic Christ upon the assembly, the beloved Jesus wears a robe of snow white, with the over cape studded in silver stars like his mother's. None of the seven Chohans wear the crown except the Master Morya and Saint Germain. The Lord Buddha is in the Heart of the Silence, making certain petitions for dispensations which he would like to have granted New Years Eve and will not be present on this occasion. 

Our Lord Maha Chohan now enters, he wears, as usual, the magnificent white turban with the great golden topaz and with him tonight is a great assembly of Eastern Masters, The Lady Masters seem to have come as a group and are seated to the left of the altar enjoying the glorious music presented by an orchestra of two hundred Ascended Masters and members of the angelic host.

We have said on previous occasions there are more unascended individuals present at these half-yearly Conferences than at any other Transmission Flame meetings because the student body is more acquainted, with the Teton activities than any other. 

Tonight we will experiment with the direction of a projected Ray into the realm of the sleepers, the compound and the entire realm of the discarnates, which should carry a great blessing. 

The great harvest gathered at Shamballa has been sealed by the Seraphim in a magnificent shining sphere of light. This represents the efforts of every member of the three Kingdoms - the angelic, human and elemental for the year 1954. I do not know whether this sphere will be opened tonight, but the fact that it has been lowered and stands pulsating in the atmosphere directly in front of the Karmic Board would make it seem that its contents will be placed shortly before this august Assembly for examination. 

The incoming children, whose bodies have been greatly perfected through the calls of the student body will appear before the Karmic 'Board to show the purification that has taken place in their inner bodies through the directed Sacred Fire by the students' application. 

The discarnates who were given the grant by Lord Michael as members of the families of chelas are also to be given an opportunity to show how far they have progressed as a result of the grant in the hope that more lifestreams who pass from the body this coming year will enter these Ascension Temples and will not have to return to earth forms. 

The members of the compound who have voluntarily left that place of confinement will also be given an opportunity to show their endeavors to make things right in the hope that more from this realm will follow their example. Those from the sleepers’ realm and the earth-bound who have become workers will also be heard from and seen. 

The great green and gold Flame on the center of the altar is representative of the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, whose mission is spiritual service to men through every channel of expression, including both orthodox and esoteric. 

As you draw this Flame into your hearts now and every time you choose to let your attention dwell upon for the next thirty days, may it touch every possible soul who can be utilized in the great Harmony that brings the consciousness of the Christ again to men. Now, I must hasten to my own station. May God's Blessings rest upon us all. 






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