Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 41                                                                                                    January 9, 1955

Beloved children of My Heart 

The beginning of a New Year sets into motion a new cosmic cycle for the individual, the country and the planet itself. Each year is divided into a seven week minor cycle and the entire year represents the Seven times Seven (with a slight overlap of three weeks which is due to the faulty calendar, resulting from the dividing of the days a fraction of a second too short which was not the error of the early Greeks, the Egyptians and the Atlanteans but of the later intellectual men. 

The New Year, therefore, represents another opportunity for each soul and spirit to ride upon the Cosmic Tide higher into the Heart of Heaven, placing the years that have gone before into the cosmic incinerator of forgiveness and forgetfulness. 

The birth of the New Year depicted as an infant is really significant of a new beginning - the individual rising up to begin that year as if he had just stepped forth from the womb of time without even record or memory of imperfection of the past. Man would do well to carry with him in the days ahead the feeling of hope of new and better opportunity that he experienced as the New Day dawned. The man who does this can progress much more rapidly then he who insists upon carrying with him the memory of that entire earth embodiment with its vicissitudes, seeming injustices and failures. 

The great Cosmic Law in its kindness has divided man's earthly experience through a great number of lives. At the close of each span the individual is taken to an abode of love where he is imbued with courage, strength and power to enable him to continue his earthly pilgrimage in greater freedom. The Cosmic Law is constantly alert to securing and presenting advantages whereby the aspiring soul of man can progress, unfold and unite with its Source in the most perfect and easy manner possible. 

Within one life span the law has again provided a surcease from the pressure of experiences by separating the life span into yearly cycles. At the close of each year the Cosmic Law itself, the Goddess of Mercy and the Lords of Karma expiate a large percentage of the sins, mistakes, false appearances and other manifestations of all people and they are allowed to enter the New Year with much greater freedom from the fetters of their own creation. However, if they insist upon holding on to the grudges, unpleasant experiences, so-called injustices and limitations of the past, they will re-create them upon the clean pages of the book of the New Year. 

You will note that it is the custom with men to make "New Year Resolutions" with a clearly distinguishing goal which is the bettering of their nature. The weight and momentum of their human nature, however, usually makes these resolutions short lived. 

If, this year, you could seize upon the purification that has affected your inner nature and try to live in the New Year as if there had never been an old, the limitations and evils would drop away because they are not eternal and only the good from the past year would endure and become a mantle of fragrance around you. Be master of your energy and do not allow your thought and feeling centers to reproduce in your world the manifestations that brought unhappiness to you in the past. Use that energy to paint constructive pictures. 

Blessings and Love






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