Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

Volume 3, No. 10                                                                                                             June 6, 1954


Beloved Children:

The Convention of the Karmic Board, in early May, for the purpose of passing on the number and type of reincarnating souls for this year was one of intense interest, not only to the members of the Celestial Hierarchy who serve our planet, but to the evolutions of neighboring stars and galaxies as well. 

Since the fiat issued by the Cosmic Law about two years ago, in which it allowed the planet earth just twenty years to meet the demand for sufficient light to warrant her being sustained as a member of the solar system, many petitions have been offered to the Karmic Board by both ascended and unascended beings, requesting that no soul be allowed to re-embody who was not first willing to make a vow to life that it would use its energies not only for the expansion of its own light, but also for the edification and upliftment of the whole race. The Board's decision was, therefore, anticipated with tremendous interest by everyone who had the interest of the planet at heart. 

After the successful candidates had been gathered in one large body in the Halls of Karma, it was noted with surprise (if not disappointment) by the Assembly that more or less one third of the applicants passed through by the Board were what might be termed "recalcitrant souls". That is to say that they included in their number many who were indifferent not only to the fate of the planet, but to the fulfillment of their own divine destiny as well. Many of them were not necessarily evil, but were those who, through selfish interest chose to invest their vital energies in the so-called material things of life and thus were not interested in either the spiritual progress of the race or in altruistic endeavors of any description. 

It was then kindly explained to the gathered assemblage that in making decisions of this kind where the welfare of a planet is at stake, many points must be taken into consideration by the Karmic Board. It was shown that if only constructive and spiritually minded lifestreams were allowed to re-embody, much of the karma belonging to the destructive members of the race would remain unmitigated in the earth's aura, due to the absence of its creators. It was further explained that the law of justice demands that certain lifestreams be brought together again in embodiment in order to give them an opportunity to mitigate and dissolve the karma accruing from mutual participation in the same destructive cause or causes. Many other interesting points dealing with karmic law in relation to the evolution of a planet and its people were elucidated, which amply demonstrated to the interested assemblage the wisdom, love and mercy that are required in the development of a lifestream who aspires to become a member or hold an office in this exalted Body of Judges. 

Before the souls were returned to their respective schoolrooms where they will be prepared for re-incarnation, there was a beautiful and impressive ceremony, presided over by Sanat Kumara, in veneration of the Vow, during which this vast concourse of souls knelt in unison before the Lord of the World and solemnly promised that when they returned to earth they would obey and serve the Light within their hearts. 

As they pronounced this sacred vow, the Unfed Flame in their hearts expanded and glowed right through the breasts of their garments. In its recessional activity, this Flame will never again return to the tiny embryonic spark that it was before this voluntary act. Their happy enthusiasm proved itself to be a contagion because as the light of the Unfed Flame shone and scintillated all around them, the seeming recalcitrant souls, by spontaneous and unanimous consent, dropped to their knees and took the vow. It was indeed a cosmic moment never to be forgotten.

Love and Blessings,










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