Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 11                                                                                                 June 13, 1954


Beloved children: 

While our attention is still vibrating on the activities within the great Council Chamber where the great Karmic Board met to decide on the incoming lifestreams for the year, I thought you would be interested in a digest of the address by the Beloved Kwan Yin, Spokesman for the Great Karmic Board, to the souls about to incarnate within the year. Her words might well apply to every soul in embodiment, as they carry great comfort as well as great encouragement. 

"No lifestream that incarnates receives in any embodiment more karma that his development will allow him to completely expiate within that life. There is no disease, no distress or condition which, through the law of justice and mercy, is to be experienced by any lifestream in that embodiment, that is greater than the developed consciousness and power of the individual to whom that karma rightfully belongs. This is the Law and you may tell it from the housetops. 

Man has said "The Lord (Law) prepares the back for the burden" yes, to a degree, but the Law does not inflict the burden of returning energy upon the lifestream until within the Flame in the heart and the capacity in the consciousness there is the potential power to balance that debt. 

Where would justice and mercy be were the debts to come back more rapidly than the power developed within to expiate them? Now, the potential power is within the soul to expiate every bit of karma that belongs to and is allotted to each lifestream, but very, very few men, women and children adore the Presence of God enough to externalize that power and make that balance. When they do, disease and death, disintegration and failure will cease to be. 

Man, receiving back into himself the return of his energy and knowing that the Cosmic Law will not burden him in any one life with more than he can handle, will rejoice when he seems to have a return of a considerable amount of karma, that the God of Love has thought he was mature enough to not only wipe that quality out of his own world, but from the face of the earth." 

Beloved Friends: The law of Retribution (Cause and Effect) was imposed on willful mankind that they may learn through the pain of returning energy the Law of the Circle, or that whatever goes out from a man comes back to him, "pressed down, shaken together and running over". But to the spiritually enlightened man of the New Day, under the beneficent radiation of the Seventh Ray, has been given the knowledge and power of application of the Violet Transmuting Flame, by which he may not only wipe out the karma of the present life, but may sweep it back through his whole lifestream, cancelling through the forgiving love of Mercy's Flame, his entire debt to life. This mercy carries with it an obligation to extend that mercy to others and for each one to be the Father's outpost in the flesh.

Love and Blessings,








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