Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 16                                                                                                           July 18, 1954


Beloved friends of my heart: 

Today, as we study the use of life, let us realize that we draw life pure and perfect from the Heart of God, just as you would draw water from a spring cool, refreshing and crystalline. We know that certain habits in the personal self are like great conduits that this pure energy drawn from the Heart of the Father is poured into those habits and that the more life people draw the stronger grow the habits and the human emotions of the centuries. For this reason, God, in his Mercy, has held back a greater outpouring of the life principle from mankind, lest more and more of this pure essence would be dissipated in human habits. 

If you have a fungus growth on the trunk of a tree, it draws the strength intended for the blossom; thus if one has human habits of tremendous intensity they will draw the strength from one's spiritual nature, intensify the human tendencies and leave the evolving soul under-nourished and depleted. 

The life that flows through the earth, nourishing the kingdom of nature, comes out of my Heart, as well as that of Virgo. In a plot of ground forty feet square, you may have exactly the same quality of earth and the same life currents. Yet, according to the seeds planted within that plot will you have a different harvest. You might have a fig tree, a lilac bush... you might have an onion or a carrot all in seed form, looking much alike. But, as the life principle flows through carrying the same elements, the same currents, the same essence each set of seeds becomes an entirely different manifestation. 

These simple expressions of nature are like the lives of different types of men... but men live so fast and are so enamored of their own thoughts that they never stop to contemplate on these so-called miracles of nature. The life principle flowing through each one of you is the same in essence just as it is in that forty foot plot of ground. As it flows through you it expresses in your words, in your thoughts, in your feelings. As it flowed through Jesus it expressed his way. It expresses differently as it flows through all men, good and evil. Why? Because man has the privilege through his God-given free will of taking that life principle and making of it that which he decrees. 

In nature, the carrot, the onion, the fig tree and the lilac bush are pre-ordained by the Silent Watcher, who charged their destiny into the seeds and none of these seeds would think of changing that plan. Into man, too, is charged his destiny but he, being granted the gift of free will, through the Grace of the Eternal Father chooses not to express his destiny in peace and harmony as these lower manifestations do. 

Under the cosmic law there is no such thing as "favoritism". The sinner and the saint both enjoy the same breath, the same heart-beat, the same sunlight. Oh, but the HARVEST, the HARVEST from the use of life is ultimately laid at each man's feet. When he stands in the Halls of Judgment he must give an account of every "jot and tittle" and in another embodiment he is required under the law of justice to make things right through being called upon in a seemingly natural manner to suffer the same injustices that he imposed upon others. The Law of Retribution is irrevocable and until mankind learns the Law of Love they must remain in the schoolroom of retroactive experience. 

Let the life of God flow through you, my children, but remember the harvest. Use this precious essence not lightly, I implore you.

Love and Blessing,








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