Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 17                                                                                                           July 25, 1954


Blessed Children:

My office, as its very name implies (Holy Spirit) means that I represent the life principle which is allotted to the humanity of this earth by the Solar Logoi, who took the responsibility of drawing into expression some nine billion lifestreams whose eternal identity must be proven to be of importance to the enrichment and expansion of God’s kingdom. 

The qualities created by the life Principle (God) represent the sum total of mankind's use of the primordial substance. As the petal’s on the lotus flower represent the beauty of the Deity drawn through the life essence of the plant, so must these qualities of Godliness be expressed through the lifestreams of the human race. 

As explained heretofore, each lifestream represents a cosmic quality which is requisite to the full flowering of not only the individual, put the whole human race, even as certain elements are required to make the grass green, the daffodil yellow and the robin’s breast russet. Without these elements in the nature kingdom you would have a distortion. Grass not exposed to the sun's rays turns white, and the plant covered by leaves and debris, which keep out the radiation of the sun and air, is "peaked" and dwarfish. 

So it is with men without any one of the qualities or "elements" necessary to make a healthful organism the mankind of earth would express in a distorted manner. The science of alchemy dealing with spiritual evolution is as exact as the ingredients required in preparing a mixture of alfalfa or the homely oft-used simile - a loaf of bread. 

The Cosmic Masters, representing these qualities required by the starved souls of men, have not been allowed full play on the earth plane by reason of mankind's "free-will" in turning aside from their gifts, so these great beings have remained in the Heart of the Silence, the doors of the earth plane remaining closed to an outpouring of their forces. Therefore, the sorry and distorted expression which engulfs the human race today is a result of this mass starvation. You can take any cross section of people and look over their qualities, which are the "fruit and flower" of their personalities and you would see what "the garden of human beings" looks like to the spiritual Hierarchy. 

The end of the cycle is upon us. I would suggest that each one of you, in the privacy of your chamber, examine yourself carefully and see how many "flowers" and how many "tares" are in your own garden. All the spiritual qualities and virtues are represented by great beings in the higher octaves, who have ensouled these gifts of God. Faith, Hope, Charity, Love, Wisdom, Strength, Courage, are among the countless legions of qualities that make up the nature of the Godhead. If you find yourself weak in any of these great gifts or entirely lacking in some, you may invoke the cosmic Being who has ensouled that virtue or quality and feel the inrush to your spirit of the gift you have invoked. 

In these weekly instructions, beloved ones, I have endeavored to teach you the importance of your personal use of the life principle. Knowledge without application is useless. You must, by personal effort, pluck out the "taros" (human qualities) in your individual "garden" and plant in their stead the divine qualities which are part and parcel of your divine nature. These developed qualities represent the only harvest I can offer to God for the energy he has entrusted me with as his representative, and which I have poured out unstintedly to you. This is the responsibility which I voluntarily assumed when I became invested with the Office of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I am asking you now, if you love me, do not let a quality endure in your lifestream that I cannot offer to our Eternal Father as a "Flower". Remember, beloved children, ye are Qualities and to the Host of Heaven each one of you is known by the name of the Gift of God you represent. Cultivate now that special quality you have an affinity for and BE.

Love and Blessing,