Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 3                                                                                                                      April 18, 1954


Beloved Children: 

Many of your letters contain the question as to whether the Masters have places of worship in the higher octaves and do they attend Divine Service. My answer is yes, the Masters do have beautiful places of worship and exquisite cosmic services dedicated to the adoration of the One Great and Good God. The church worship of the people of earth is but a pale reflection of the glorious united devotion of the Celestial Host and of the perfected Beings who dwell in interstellar space. 

The Ascended Beings, the angelic Host, which includes the Cherubic and Seraphic Kingdoms have all become perfect expressions of God by reason of their love for God their devotion to God's service and their constant outpouring of attention and energy toward the beneficent Source of ALL Good. Would it not, therefore, be strange if such embodied expressions of holiness and truth did not join together in adoration to the spirit of all life? Rather be it said that the earth worship reflects the worship of the heavens. 

When individuals leave the orthodox beliefs and enter into the metaphysical plane, they come to a place of barrenness wherein there is no such cooperative devotion, but later they come again into an obedient, illumined devotion which forms the core, or the heart center, when they enter within Saint Germain's Ceremonial Ray. Many people think that because individuals have made their ascension there is no longer need for worship and that as every Master's heart is his shrine and altar he may not choose to join with the others in his outpouring to the Eternal Father, This is not the case. The worship, the rituals which draws earth children together in a dutiful manner is also the heart center of spiritual companionship in the higher octaves. 

To see the great hosts of Divine Beings gathered together in celestial service... to hear the outpouring of their heavenly music, the song and chants of the angelic choirs... the tremendous radiation of the presiding Masters is to draw into the soul a vision of the future when the Ceremonial Ray of Saint Germain will be in like, manner expressed through the people of earth. 

These great cosmic gatherings of spiritual worship in adoration to God, of course emit a tremendous radiation of Light. That substance flows into the Doves who are Guardian angels of the cathedrals and churches of earth and that is why in those places of worship individuals are so often caught up in an ecstasy and devotion to God. 

For you, as students, to call forth those great ovals of light emitted from these spiritual, devotional services and ask that they be established around your sanctuaries and homes would be a tremendous service in the evolution of the planet and then you would see Saint Germain's Endeavor begin to express universally that for which it was intended. You often ask how you may assist us in this spiritual work and this is one way by which you can become of great value to our Cause. Project the beam of your attention into the octaves of Light… draw the sweet essence from above into your beings and practice, like the angels, to become radiating centers in your various homes, sanctuaries and vicinities.

Love and Blessings,








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