Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 4                                                                                                                        April 25, 1954


BeforeTransmission                                                                                                                  April 17, 1954 

My beloved little correspondents:  Oh, can you feel the love within my heart for you sweet, innocent, faithful, hopeful little souls unfolding: I love each one of you as a mother loves her children: Do you know how much of my lifestream is woven into your energies? Do you know how much of your life has become a part of my aura as we have interchanged back and forth, month after month, the dedicated consecrated energies of our lives in mutual correspondence! 

We are in the heart of the Easter Season and so many of us have contributed to that Season. Those of us who were present at the tomb that first Easter morning recall with joy the incidents which made the victory of the Resurrection a manifest example that yet stands before mankind and which will one day help them to resurrect from within themselves the Christ Spirit. You see it is my service to life to guard the breath and to give it into the keeping of the soul at the moment of birth. I have stood, therefore, beside your mother when you were ushered into the world of form and was really the first intelligence to greet you on your arrival. At the close of your life span I shall again stand by and your last breath will be gathered into my own heart. 

So it was required of me to be part of the cosmic initiation that took place on Golgotha as well as a part of the glory of the Resurrection Morning. I stood beside the Beloved Jesus that day on the hill of Calvary and received from him his last breath and I stood beside him on the first Easter Morn with the Beloved Gabriel, Angel of the Resurrection, and returned it again into his keeping for all eternity, so you see I was part of that great Victory on Easter Morning as the Beloved Gabriel rolled away the stone of the sepulcher and the Resurrected Christ stepped forth. 

Now, to turn our attention to the Transmission Activity, I am grateful in the extreme for the expansion of these classes which began so humbly such a short time ago and which have increased in power and intensity month after month as your energies, your breath have contributed to the creation of the concentric circles of life around this sweet earth. 

As your individual aura may be a conductor of the gifts of God which would be a blessing to the world at large, so does the sphere of influence of each Retreat become a spiritual aura made up of the qualities and energies of every member who has ever been a part of it. The members of these Retreats who have ascended from within them into the Eternal Light have left the ladders made up of their own prayers, their disciplines, abstinences and illumination behind them as a heritage so that every succeeding member had the strength of their victory as an added impetus to his own soul light. 

Thus has been built the spiritual heritage of the ancient sanctuaries and retreats around the planet and these radiating centers have been the salvation of mankind because they have been the dissolving alchemy that has consumed great quantities of the effluvia of human discord. These sphere of influence or forcefields vary in size, according to the number of members who have made the ascension from them, according to the number and consciousness of those who still serve within the Retreat, the type of service they render and the length of time they have been established. These Retreats and Sanctuaries were established at strategic points across the surface of the earth under the direction of the God-beings who felt that certain points must have protection and radiation to hold the balance for the entire sphere.

At inner levels, many individuals who were interested in mankind's greater good ofttimes volunteered to take into their bodies a concentration of a certain ray and then literally dived down into the astral and psychic realms and into physical incarnation and pinned that ray into the earth through their flesh bodies. Such individuals magnetized these locations in the very first place. Your Beloved Jesus rendered this service many times. He magnetized those places in Jerusalem and Golgotha and Bethany. He also magnetized places through continental Europe, in various places in England and in Asia that have not yet been activated, by drawing currents through his own body and standing in the silence for seven long years until there were literally light plants set into the earth where his feet stood. Some of these were activated by him and Mary later at Jerusalem and Lourdes and many more will be picked up by sensitive lifestreams in this present century and the centuries yet to come. 

Sitting one day some time back and looking at the Beloved Morya's initial endeavor to acquaint mankind with the existence of the Retreats, I came upon the idea of having the student body gather all over the world and, breathing in the Flame of the Quality as the Retreat is opened - feel the pressure and pull it out as you would pull a tent, so to speak, and set it up with the pegs at the far end, and so the students in Asia, Africa, Australia, Continental Europe, the British Isles and North, South and Central America are now pulling the sphere of influence of each Retreat, securely fastening it in place with the pegs of their energies and making it world-wide and world-engulfing. Everyone is helping and pulling through concentrated effort and you can see how this activity can readily transform the planet. You can see then how our hearts thrill with gratitude and happiness. 

Instead of reading and studying the metaphysical and occult literature that deal with activities that have ceased to vibrate through the ethers hundreds or thousands of years ago, we are asking mankind to participate in the current activities of the day consciously and it is because of your intelligent grasp of the need of the hour and your wholehearted cooperation with us that we have come through the veil and met you half way. 

You will be interested to know that spring is the time when the Lords of Karma meet to pass on the lifestreams who are to incarnate within the year and at the present time five hundred million souls are passing before the Judges. As you have been told, for every one permitted to pass through the gates of birth, two are refused. There is a petition up before the Board requesting that only those will be allowed through who are willing to cooperate with God's Divine Plan for the speedy redemption of the planet. We ask you to make calls for this beneficent dispensation. Tonight then, the Beloved Lord Buddha is officiating at the Mercy Temple at Peiping, as the Beloved Kwan Yin, as Spokesman for the Lords of Karma is at her post in the Halls of Judgment. She will speak to you herself later in the evening. 

Visualize now the Beloved Lord Buddha, first pupil of Himalaya, standing before the Altar, with the Mercy Flame of Forgiveness and Compassion sending its beams into the atmosphere. Many, many thousands of man and women who are the monks and initiates of the East kneel before it in prayerful worship and many millions of discarnates who are drawn like moths to the flame hover in the atmosphere. Thank you, beloved children, for the opportunity of talking with you and with Love and Blessings I Am,