Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin 

Volume 2, No. 32                                                                                               November 1, 1953

Beloved Friends:

It is my pleasure and privilege to present for your enjoyment a report on the activities covering the Ceremony of the Transmission Flame, which took place on the evening of October 17th, 1953, at the Retreat of my beloved son, Hilarion, over the Island of Crete, off the coast of Greece. The Beloved Kuthumi will now give you an eye picture of the events of the evening, as they appeared to him.

Love and Blessings,


By the Beloved Kuthumi: 

Beloved Friends: Tonight we witness a most exquisite Festival in the Ether is Realm, where the beautiful Temple of the Goddess of Truth stands as a focus for the Brotherhood who have dedicated their lives and purpose to directing into and through the consciousness of mankind the pure White Flame of Understanding and Illumination, the acceptance of which brings comprehension of the Eternal Verities. 

This beautiful Temple of Truth stands on a high eminence reached by a magnificent marble stairway of four hundred or more steps. On either side of this beautiful stairway, extending all the way up to the wide, columned entrance, stand exquisite Angelic Beings, clothed in iridescent colors, holding in their upraised hands garlands of bright colored flowers woven into patterns somewhat similar to the Christmas wreathing you enjoy in your outer world activities today. 

As we ascend to a point parallel with the wide entrance door, we come in sight of the great Altar, rising well over one hundred feet in height, at either side of which stands a great carved pillar, upon which rests a golden brazier, from whence flows the White Flame of Truth. Before each of these pillars is placed a massive throne chair of early century design, the raised arms of which are upholstered in what looks like white velvet. These seats have been provided for the Beloved Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth and our Lord, the Maha Chohan. 

Many of the Brothers belonging to this Focus are already gathered here in the Assembly Hall. They all wear the white robe with the emblem of the lighted lamp over the breast. Some of them are mingling with the guests - others are acting as receptionists. There is an air of expectancy, silence and reverence over the whole assembly because of the presence of the Unveiled Flame of Truth, which offers to the Brotherhood a tremendous opportunity to direct into the consciousness of their chelas everywhere more of the understanding that lies within the tenets of the particular religions and outer world activities which this Brotherhood fosters. They all seem to be conserving the energies of, their individual lifestreams, which are being impregnated with this Flaming Substance of truth, that they may be more powerfully directed when the climax of the evening's activities is reached and the Transmission of the Flame goes forth on the Holy Breath. 

The Beloved Maha Chohan is entering now, accompanied by the Beloved Pallas Athene and they do present a magnificent appearance. The hair of Pallas Athene looks like golden flax, which she wears piled high on her head, held in place by an ivy garland. The hem of her white robe is embroidered in the same exquisite green leaf design. The Maha Chohan wears the turban, with the large golden, shining topaz in the front. His white tunic is hemmed with the same brilliant green ivy leaf design, the same motif appearing on the neckband of the garment (The ivy being symbolic of eternal life). 

As they take their places and are seated, the entire Assembly comes to attention. The whole scene is one of such magnificent perfection that it gives cause to wonder why people seem to fear so much the Presence of Truth. This beautiful and gracious Lady embodies the true nature of the feminine aspect of the Deity, and it is her happy responsibility to give, to any member of the race desiring it, her consciousness of Perfection, which is the only Truth and unchanging Reality behind this unstable world of form. Looking at her, I can only think that it will be a happy hour when men and women alike can accept the design of their own Godhood and externalize Truth through their forms, as she has done. 

It makes an exquisite complement... Truth bringing Comfort... and Comfort bringing Truth... How perfectly balanced is the design and order of the universe... wherein God Flames are focused and qualified by certain Intelligences and held like lighted lamps in the darkness as a magnetic focus of a certain quality, until the evolving race, emulating the embodied virtue, becomes the fullness of that virtue also.  

Were it not for Beings who chose to embody the nature of divinity, there would be no pattern toward which the outer consciousness of man could look. It is to be regretted that the love and honor and respect which were accorded the Gods and Goddesses in the early days has been stamped as paganism in the endeavor that has been made to wipe their memory from the consciousness of the race. 

There were ages when the Beloved Pallas Athene was visible to unascended mankind. Her Presence was sought and she held connection with the seekers after Truth through the Delphic Oracles in Greece. Now again, through the conscious understanding of the student body, an opportunity is being given to direct the Flame from her Temple and her Brotherhood into the magnetized centers of the receptive minds and hearts of the people. He who wishes to know Truth may do so now.... he who wishes to stand in her Presence has the opportunity.... and he or she who wishes to become that which she is will receive the warmest blessings from those of us who serve to set life free… 


(The Beloved Kuthumi's Report will be continued in next week's Bulletin.)






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