Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 33                                                                                                    November 8, 1953


(Beloved Kuthumi's Report on Transmission Flame Ceremony, ctd. from No. 32

The Beloved Hilarion has just entered... he is wearing the white robe of his Order, but it is hemmed in ever deepening shades of green, from the very pale Spring shade at the top to the deep, deep bottle green at the bottom of the hem. He takes his place at the center of the altar between the Maha Chohan and Pallas Athene. As he does so, the entire audience, including the honored guests, rise. The Maha Chohan and Pallas Athene now draw from the braziers above their heads the Flame, directing it into the raised hands of Hilarion, where it assumes the form of a closed tulip not much larger than his hands in size. He now raises his hands above his head... the Flame which he holds does not increase in size, but it does in brilliance until it looks like quicksilver or mercury... and now little diamond-like points begin to shoot out through his fingers... the White Light of Truth so brilliant, that his entire form disappears and only that tulip form of Light remains... seemingly suspended on a pillar of Flame. 

His body, which has taken on the semblance of a pillar of Flame, pulsates before the assembly. Every member of the Brotherhood present directs from his own consciousness a beam of White Fire into that tulip form until the room looks as if filled with thousands of fine steel wires all converging into this small pulsating focus... 

While this activity is silently taking place, the Maha Chohan is informing the assembly that they have asked every Representative - who has ever brought Truth to the planet during every hundred year period since mankind first descended upon it - to be the guest of the Brotherhood this evening, and in orderly succession to stand before Hilarion, receive from this concentrated Flame of Truth a beam and direct it through the teaching he represented into the etheric bodies and worlds of every lifestream who ever listened to his word, studied at his feet, or endeavored to partake of Truth through the avenue which he provided. This activity should take us through some forty-eight hours and will continue through the Transmission of the Flame period in conjunction with the expansion of the Flame of Truth through mankind. 

As the individuals who have been invited to participate in directing this Flame through the constituents and followers who have believed in them through the centuries gather together at the rear entrance behind the altar, I can look down over their heads and they stretch well over a mile beyond the doors... a magnificent thing, this... each one of these individuals having touched the lives of many hundreds of thousands of their fellowmen. There are among them poets and philosophers... scientists... inventors and explorers. There are men of letters and men of the Spirit of God. Many of these are in embodiment again and will have to give their cosmic service while their physical bodies sleep... others are ascended and enjoy the full freedom of the time required for this service. Some of them are discarnates and have been invited from the sphere in which they dwell, to which they will return after the Ceremony and there await the :summons for re-embodiment... but all must fulfill the obligation imposed upon them by the Pure White Flame of Truth... to bring its Light and illumination to their followers. 

While we have been speaking, the Beloved Hilarion has continued to hold that Focus of White Fire, which has been drawing into itself all those lines of force directed toward it. It has increased in brilliance and has now begun to unfold so that it forms a canopy over the entire audience... its petals reaching outward and upward. 

It is about time now for the drawing-in action of the Flame and for its transmission which will send it forth on its cosmic outpouring over the entire earth… 

"May God, through man, reveal Truth this night and may every earnest heart and soul calling for understanding and illumination find both in the Presence of Truth.


May every student and conscious worker in God's Kingdom stand in the visible presence of Pallas Athene, herself, and have cut away from the lifestream all misconceptions and shadows of mind and body and, through the acceptance of the Reality of their own Divinity, become eternally free." 

This is our decree for humanity tonight and may every Brother and Sister who stands before this altar feel that Flaming Fire of Truth blaze through their brains and consciousnesses as they direct it forth to bless mankind. 

Report after the Transmission Ceremony:

As the great Initial Flame of Truth was breathed in by the assembled Brotherhood, qualified by the full, gathered, cosmic momentum of Truth within their consciousnesses and directed forth on the breath toward Luxor, it became greatly increased in both size and brilliance. The entire locality was so brilliantly lighted by its Presence as it took its course round the Eastern and Western Hemispheres and back to its starting point, that its current path was indistinguishable in the great White Light that was world engulfing with each revolution. 

In the meantime, the procession of the sages, saints and teachers had begun its slow movement and the first of the great leaders had taken his place before Hilarion. It was wonderful to see, as the Cosmic Flame of Truth touched his consciousness, the beams of light going out into the students who had at any time contacted that individual or his teaching and this same activity repeated itself through each of the others as they stood before the Flame of Truth. 

The entire activity took place and still continues pulsating with the lovely melody held within the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”. If you could hear that hymn sung by the angelic Choir accompanied by the beautiful voices of the Ascended Masters you would understand what a stirring vibration of Truth that song sets into motion. 

I cannot emphasize too much that this month holds an opportunity to receive more of Truth and, in its receiving, to become an open door for its dispensing. I thank you and I love you and I bless you. 







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