Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 12                                                                                         August 25, 1952


When the physical Sun directed the Flame into the Universal Light, and with the cooperation of the Elohimic Builders, created the planets of our chain, certain Beings of superior order and development volunteered to come, and at the direction of the Parent Sun became the Guardians and Teachers of the Races which were to develop into God Beings in the course of the Cosmic Day.  

As each planet became the focal point for the evolution of a portion of the lifestreams drawn forth by our Sun, these Guardian Beings entered into the atmosphere of the planet presently active and through the radiation of their Love, the power of their Light and the Gifts of their Wisdom enabled the younger Spirits to attain God Maturity. 

When the earth became the scene of greatest activity in our Solar System, these Beings moved into her sphere of influence and formed the Spiritual Stimulus which became the very atmosphere of the first Golden Ages of Perfection, Innocence and Peace. The effulgence of their bodies and the very proximity to the peoples of these early ages made it a most easy process to complete their evolution, but the Cosmic Law required that as soon as possible a Spiritual Order be evolved from this child-like race who would be the Teachers and Guardians of their own people, thus enabling the Cosmic Exiles to return to the natural sphere of their own activity and light. It was the Will of God that a Brotherhood be formed from those very lifestreams who had so long lived within the radiance and blessing of their older brothers and sisters from the other planetary chains, but for some reason or other no lifestream who had its inception through the earth planet seemed to pick up this vibration, but all lived on in a continual state of happy innocence, completing their road of evolution and gaining the Ascension without contributing in any manner to the succeeding races. Then on Mu and Atlantis the newly drawn forth Spiritual Egos descended further into matter by breaking the Law of Harmony, Beauty, and Love. At this time the Sun of the System was called before the Parent Sun and the earth was to be written off as an imperfect and useless experiment. 

Sanat Kumara and the Beloved Beings on Venus interceded on behalf of the earth and its evolving mankind and offered to enter into the orbit of the earth, its atmosphere and its peoples’ karma with the sole purpose and intent of creating from among the human race itself a governing council and directive body composed of the voluntary members of the race who would interest and increase its membership by the exertion of their own initiative. Thus Sanat Kumara's first service to life after his entrance into the earth's atmosphere was to set up the skeleton of this Spiritual Order which is known in the world today as the Great White Brotherhood. Of course there was none of the human race a member. It was composed entirely of these same Guardian Beings, the Archangels and the Devic Hosts. 

The tremendous impetus of Sanat Kumara's Love and the magnetic pull of his Heart Flame were all that he had to work with in stirring the souls of men and drawing not by force nor argument but by the invisible and yet resistless power of his Love the sleeping Spiritual Senses of some member of the race. It was an entirely impersonal activity in which he engaged for many centuries and neither he nor those who worked with him allowed themselves to designate any particular lifestream as a potential, giving the opportunity to respond equally to each soul. As you know, the first two souls to so respond were the Beings presently known as the Lord Buddha and the Lord Maitreya, and from this small beginning the Great White Brotherhood has grown, in strength and numbers through the centuries, until almost all of the Cosmic Guardians and Spiritual Protectors have had their places filled by the dedicated men and women of the human race, and even the Office of Sanat Kumara will soon be assumed so that he too may return to his own Cosmic Home. 

The Great White Brotherhood today works on the same premise and with the same powers of Magnetic Love and Impersonal Benediction, and the response of the Spirit and soul from within itself is the only passport into active membership. Those who represent the Brotherhood in the world of men may take example from its Cosmic Founder and its Members, and becoming such a magnetic power of Love Divine, they will find drawn to them those whom the Father has called and, who will remain not because of personal allegiance, but because of the affinity of the Soul Light with the Spiritual Essence which is the Brotherhood's nature in the universe.

Love and Blessings,








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