Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 13                                                                                         August 31, 1952


It is found within the wisdom of the Great Cosmic Law to draw to the attention of mankind the particular significance and Cosmic import of Mount Meru in the evolution of our planet and its people. 

Throughout all the religions that have been facets through which to draw and dispense Cosmic Truths, reference has been made again and again to the "Mystic Mount of Attainment" which represents the apex of spiritual evolution, both with regard to the individual and the race as well. This Mount of Attainment is one of the Ancient Sanctuaries in the heart of the Andes Mountains and is presently the Host of the Ascended Master Brotherhood and as many members of the human race as have chosen to respond to the magnetic pull of its Spiritual Currents at this time. 

When the Sun of our System delegated the power and authority to create a planet to the Elohim, the Masculine and Feminine Aspect of the Elohim directed from their Hearts two rays which, joined together, formed the permanent atom for the earth. For the purpose of illustration, Saint Germain uses the picture of the old-fashioned ice tongs, the prongs entering the earth's surface, one on each side of the globe.  

The magnetic power of the Unfed Flame then drew the universal Life substance into the cradle formed by these convex rays. As the life anal pattern of the parents flow into the form of the infant, so does the spiritual design of the planet flow through these Rays from the Hearts of the Elohim, and these Rays are the most intense Focus of Light on earth. The Masculine Ray enters the earth in Asia in the neighborhood of Shamballa and the Feminine Ray at almost the exact opposite side of the planet through Mount Meru, in the neighborhood of Lake Titicaca. 

Both the oral and written expressions of Truth up to the present time are predominantly masculine in their expression, in their presentation, with very few exceptions. The Deity has been represented as a Masculine Figure, the Father God. 

The Masculine Ray focused in Asia was the spiritual stimuli for all evolutionary progress of God-unfoldment and it has been the magnet which has drawn the seekers after Life and Light into the East from the very beginning of time. Each such a one, entering within the aura of that Ray, took some of its vital essence into his own being and in the course of the centuries, thousands of lifestreams have ascended from within its Sphere of influence, mostly in masculine bodies. This accounts for the fact that the East has always been the fount of spiritual knowledge and the natural radiation of Tibet, China and India has been conducive to the unfoldment of any spiritual quality within the individual. 

In the West, the Virgin Ray representing the Feminine Aspect of Divinity has awaited the fiat of the Cosmic Law to begin the release of power from within its concentrated Sphere of influence and to establish its first magnetic pull which will soon be evident in the drawing of the spiritually minded toward the new civilization, which up to this point has been primarily engaged in material expression. 

All the individuals who have attained the Ascension through the Feminine Aspect, such as Kwan Yin and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, were drawn within the Ray at Mount Meru and received their inner training under the Brotherhood who has guarded this Ray until this hour. 

Whereas the Masculine Ray has expended its greatest powers and given the maximum stimulus of its potency and the fullness of its gifts, the tremendous heritage of the Feminine Ray is only now beginning to be felt by the spiritually elect who are more sensitive to the changing currents at inner levels and have responded in their finer bodies to the magnetic pull of its potent force. 

In the coming age, the Heart of Mount Meru will become the focus for the spiritual training and teaching by which the race will ascend the Mount of attainment through control and sublimation of the feeling nature. 

While the vibratory action of the Feminine Aspect of Meru is yet such a subtle activity that it is not apparent to the outer consciousness of the majority of students, it will increase in its irresistible force and be a tremendous assistance in infusing the individual's emotional nature with Peace, which will enable him much more easily to become Master of his own feeling world. 

Those who are conscious of the service of the God Meru and of the activity of the Ray which is focused in his Retreat will notice the effect in their own feeling worlds if they direct their attention into the Sphere of Influence of this Retreat, particularly within this present thirty-day period (August 15th to September 14th, inclusive).

Love and Blessings,