Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1 , No. 9                                                                                                                      August 3, 1952


Because of the significance and import of this Year of 1952, all the Beings who are directly concerned with the evolution, not only of the planet Earth, but of the universe and galaxy to which we belong, have turned both their attention and the Gifts of their own Life Expression towards the Victorious Accomplishment of transmuting the “Dark Star” into a Star of Love and Freedom. The possibility of the Great White Brotherhood securing the conscious cooperation and continued support of the outer consciousness of mankind prompted the granting of the Dispensation at the January Conclave whereby a certain limited number of lifestreams were to be given specific benefits and assistance in an endeavor to bridge the chasm between the waking consciousness and the Directive Intelligence which formed the focus of the True Identity for each such individual. 

In the Fourth Sphere, there lives, in great Beauty of Expression, the Holy Christ Selves of the majority of the human race. They are under the direct supervision of the Master Serapis Bey, and each time the outer personality is called into incarnation by the Karmic Lords, it is the responsibility of the Master Serapis, or one of his lieutenants to connect as much of that Directive Intelligence into the incarnating personality as the evolution of the personal self will allow. 

The vibrations of the Higher Mind, in order to connect through the brain structure of the individual, must have a certain amount of assistance through the raising of the atomic consciousness and the atoms of the inner bodies through which the consciousness functions. Therefore, when the two thousand lifestreams were dedicated to this experiment, in order to see if they would move forward more rapidly in a more practical, efficacious and positive manner until the outer mind had such a contact with the Will and Purpose of the Inner Spheres, it became essential to find a means of bringing the Will and Design of the Great White Brotherhood and the Holy Christ Self into a vibratory action that could be absorbed and interpreted by the student until, through various activities of the Sacred Fire, the conscious contact with his own Christ Mind became the Directive Intelligence of all activities in which  the personality was engaged. Thus, the Lords of Karma and beloved Vesta granted permission to use the Bridge and its supplements to so acquaint those interested in knowing and effecting the Will of God, but whose personal evolution had not yet raised them to the place where a dependable, constant and accurate personal contact with their own Christ Self was established. 

Now, in the choice of these two thousand souls and the second grant of two hundred thousand souls, those were chosen after very careful consideration of the entire lifestream, which was studied from the time of its conception, through all incarnations up to and including the present day; and although there are, among the holy men of the east, many who might qualify more perfectly with regard to their conscious connection with their God ego, these men, for the most part, lack the momentum of activity whereby Divine Will becomes form, and their contentment in their own adoration of the Godhead would not be of any particular value in our present endeavor to create of the planet Earth a Star similar to Venus within the short twenty year period allotted to us by Cosmic Law. These, then were automatically excluded. 

When Sanat Kumara, from the several million souls suggested by Serapis Bey as potential workers, chose two hundred thousand to receive the added impetus of our Light, Directives, Radiance and Presence for the balance of 1952, I, very carefully, took into consideration what each applicant had accomplished with the use of his own talents and powers in the past, and therefore, you will find that some of our members are among the less illustrious from the standpoint of human measure, but of this dedicated group, all have the possibilities and potentialities required to raise the vibratory action of the planet and its people – if they will avail themselves of this important, but limited, grant. 

As the Master Saint Germain has taken the responsibility of sponsoring practically every one of these two hundred thousand lifestreams, he and Serapis are spending every free moment not otherwise occupied with Cosmic tasks, in endeavoring to raise the vibratory action of the physical and inner bodies of this group, making them more amenable to the Flame and pressure of their own Holy Christ Selves’ directives, and in cooperation with the Elohim Arcturus, they are also endeavoring to clear the bridge from the heart to the throat and head so that the individual’s Inner Bridge becomes an infallible guide, guard and directing Presence. Then we widen our activities and at the January Council, receive permission and opportunity to work on perhaps two million lifestreams. 

The response of each one of those who have been chosen for the indescribable benefits, blessings and privileges which the Cosmic Law offers them under the New Dispensation cannot be emphasized too strongly, because the individual personal accomplishment of each lifestream will be a prime factor in the decisions of the Lords of Karma to give us more freedom to continue our endeavors for the balance of mankind in the year that is yet to come.

The calls for the purification of the inner bodies of each person who is aware of this particular assistance coming through the Holy Christ Self this year will help us as we work, without cessation, in the establishment of the schools for the lower bodies which are the block between the perfect direction of the Presence and its receptivity to the outer intellectual self. 

Each one of the two hundred thousand souls is required to spend at least one hour of each night in the Transylvanian Retreat where the Focus of Purification and Freedom is so powerful, and we know that the six months that lie ahead of us yet will yield a far greater harvest of accomplishment because it started within this Purifying Activity established and maintained by my beloved son, Saint Germain.

Love and Blessings,








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